Conclusions drawn can be applied to everyone and anywhere regardless of time or culture.
Alpha bias
Theories exaggerate the differences between males and females (oedipus and electra complex)
Beta bias
Theories that minimise/ignore sex differences
What is an example of beta bias?
Fight or flightresponse - assumes both male and females act this way in threatening situations, ignoring hormonal changes in women (PMS)
What is an example of alpha bias?
Freud's psychosexual stages - Only men have oedipus complex/castration anxiety which is supposed to make you stronger. When a girl identifies with mother, they are weaker but when boys identify with father, they are stronger
Androcentrism meaning
All-male sample (if normal behaviour is seen from all-male samples, other behaviours would be abnormal)
Ethnocentrism meaning
A belief in the superiority of one's own cultural group.
Etic approach
Looks at behaviour from a range of culture and describes those behaviours that are universal.
Etic example
Sample from US, UK, China, Germany, Japan
Emic approach
Functions from a specific culture and identifies behaviours that are specific to the culture.
Emic example
Sample from UK only
Why is Ainsworth's strange situation an example of imposed etic?
She studied behaviours within America and assumed her ideal attachment could be applied universally
Cultural relativism meaning
Findings should only be applicable to the culture of where the study was conducted - to avoid cultural bias
When researchers recognise the effect their own values and assumptions have on the nature of their work
Free will meaning
We can be the masters of our own destiny despite other factors
Determinism meaning
We have no or little control over our destiny
Biological determinism - why and examples
Genes and hormones influence our behaviour. Genes/low serotonin can explain OCD
Environmental determinism - why and examples
Belief that behaviour is caused by features of environment. Conditioning can explain phobia
Psychic determinism - why and examples
Behaviour's controlled by unconcious psychodynamic conflicts
Soft determinism example for cognitive
We choose what we pay attention to and what we keep in our memory but when information enters our sensory register and into our STM/LTM, that is uncontrollable and structured
Soft determinism example for Social learning theory
We have a choice whether to imitate behaviour to an extent however we imitate a role model when there is vicarious reinforcement
Diathesis stress model - what is it for?
To measure nature or nurture, from 0-10 to indicate to which extent a characteristic has a genetic basis