Issues and debates

    Cards (43)

    • Universality meaning
      Conclusions drawn can be applied to everyone and anywhere regardless of time or culture.
    • Alpha bias
      Theories exaggerate the differences between males and females (oedipus and electra complex)
    • Beta bias
      Theories that minimise/ignore sex differences
    • What is an example of beta bias?
      Fight or flight response - assumes both male and females act this way in threatening situations, ignoring hormonal changes in women (PMS)
    • What is an example of alpha bias?
      Freud's psychosexual stages - Only men have oedipus complex/castration anxiety which is supposed to make you stronger. When a girl identifies with mother, they are weaker but when boys identify with father, they are stronger
    • Androcentrism meaning
      All-male sample (if normal behaviour is seen from all-male samples, other behaviours would be abnormal)
    • Ethnocentrism meaning
      A belief in the superiority of one's own cultural group.
    • Etic approach
      Looks at behaviour from a range of culture and describes those behaviours that are universal.
    • Etic example
      Sample from US, UK, China, Germany, Japan
    • Emic approach
      Functions from a specific culture and identifies behaviours that are specific to the culture.
    • Emic example
      Sample from UK only
    • Why is Ainsworth's strange situation an example of imposed etic?
      She studied behaviours within America and assumed her ideal attachment could be applied universally
    • Cultural relativism meaning
      Findings should only be applicable to the culture of where the study was conducted - to avoid cultural bias
    • P I L E structure for bias
      Practical application, implication (negative/positive), Link, Evidence
    • Reflexivity meaning
      When researchers recognise the effect their own values and assumptions have on the nature of their work
    • Free will meaning
      We can be the masters of our own destiny despite other factors
    • Determinism meaning
      We have no or little control over our destiny
    • Biological determinism - why and examples
      Genes and hormones influence our behaviour. Genes/low serotonin can explain OCD
    • Environmental determinism - why and examples
      Belief that behaviour is caused by features of environment. Conditioning can explain phobia
    • Psychic determinism - why and examples
      Behaviour's controlled by unconcious psychodynamic conflicts
    • Soft determinism example for cognitive
      We choose what we pay attention to and what we keep in our memory but when information enters our sensory register and into our STM/LTM, that is uncontrollable and structured
    • Soft determinism example for Social learning theory
      We have a choice whether to imitate behaviour to an extent however we imitate a role model when there is vicarious reinforcement
    • Diathesis stress model - what is it for?
      To measure nature or nurture, from 0-10 to indicate to which extent a characteristic has a genetic basis
    • Nature
      Genetic pre-disoposition
    • Nurture
      Environmental factors
    • Explanations and treatments for OCD
      Anti-depressants (SSRI - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor)
    • Practical applications for nurture - refer to aversion therapy
      Pairing your addiction with something unpleasant
    • Conflicting evidence to argue psychology shouldn't be fully nature so how do concordance rates show this
      Most disorders don't have concordance rates of 100% showing it is more than just genetics
    • Holism meaning
      Behaviours can only be understood by analysing the person as a whole
    • Reductionism meaning
      Behaviours are analysed by breaking it down into parts
    • Biological reductionism meaning
      Reduces to biological factors like hormones and genes. Examples - genetic influences, neurochemical
    • Environmental reductionism meaning
      Reduces to enviromental factors and explains all behaviours in terms of a stimulus. Examples - attachment (cupboard love theory)
    • Idiographic approach
      Attempts to describe the nature of the individual, focusing on the richness of an individual's experiences
    • What methods do idiographic use?
      Case studies, interviews
    • Nomothetic approach
      Produce general laws of human behaviour, allowing people to be compared/measured and predicts future behaviours
    • What methods do nomothetic use?
      Experiments, questionaires
    • Examples of idiographic studies
      Little Hans (interview/case study), Humanistic - process of self development, considering all aspects of a person(interview)
    • Example of nomothetic studies
      Split brain (brain scan lab experiment), Skinner (animal studies)
    • Ethical implications
      The impacts/effect that psychological research may have in terms of the rights of other people
    • Social sensitivity meaning
      Studies/topics that are studying a particular social group (prisoners, thieves etc)
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