A03 - Self Disclosure

Cards (12)

  • Evaluate Self Disclosure in factors affecting attaction?
    + Real Life Practical Applications
    + Supporting real-life research
    - Cultural Differences
    - Satisfaction Theory
  • Supporting Research: PART 1

    P = Many of the predictions of self-disclosure derived from social penetration theory have been supported by research.
    E = Sprecher and Hendrick (2004) studied heterosexual dating couples & found strong correlations between several measures of satisfaction & self-disclosure (both theirs & their partners). Basically, men & women who used self-disclosure & those who believed their partners did likewise were more satisfied with & committed to their romantic relationships.
  • Supporting Research - PART 2
    E = Furthermore, Laurenceau et al (2005) found self-disclosure and the perception of self-disclosure in a partner were linked to higher levels of intimacy in long-term married couples.
    L = Supporting research increases our confidence in the validity of the theory that self-disclosure leads to and is a key part of more satisfying romantic relationships.
  • Real Life Applications - PART 1:
    P = There are a number of practical applications of self-disclosure research for people who want to improve their communication in their relationships.
    E = Hass & Stafford (1998) found that 57% of homosexual men & women in their study said that open & honest self disclosure was the main way they maintained & deepened their committed relationships (they used it as a relationship maintenance strategy).
  • Real Life Applications - PART 2

    E = If less skilled partners, for example, those who tend to limit communication to ‘small talk’, can learn & be encouraged to use and increase self-disclosure then this could bring several benefits to the relationships in terms of deepening satisfaction and commitment.
    L = Such real-life application demonstrates the value of psychological insights and highlights the importance of self-disclosure and suggests the theory can be used to support people having relationship problems.
  • Cultural Differences - PART 1

    P = The assumption that increasing depth & breadth of self-disclosure will lead to a more satisfying and intimate relationship is not true for all cultures.
    E = Tang et al (2013) reviewed the research literature regarding sexual self-disclosure (that is disclosure related to feelings about specific sexual practices). Concluded that men & women in the USA (an individualist culture) self-disclose significantly more sexual thoughts & feelings than men & women in China (collectivist culture).
  • Cultural Differences - PART 2
    E = Both these levels of self-disclosure linked to relationship satisfaction in those cultures. Even though level of disclosure was lower in China, relationship satisfaction was no different from that in the US.
    L = Self-disclosure theory & SPT is thus a limited explanation of romantic relationships, based on the findings of Western (individualist) cultures, because it is not necessarily generalizable to other cultures. Showing self-disclosure is not a requirement for successful relationships in all cultures making social penetration theory culturally biased.
  • Satisfaction Theory - PART 1

    P = SPT claims romantic relationships become more intimate as self-disclosure deepens & broadens = self-disclosure in relationships associated with satisfaction.
    E = Relationship breakdown accompanied by reduction in self-disclosure, partners wrap themselves up again in layers of concealment.
    BUT, theories of relationship breakdown (Duck) recognise how couples discuss & negotiate state of their deteriorating relationship, disclosing more often & deeply = increase satisfaction & to attempt save it or return to earlier level of satisfaction.
  • Satisfaction Theory - PART 2

    HOWEVER often doesn't save relationship & often contributes to breakdown.
    E = In Ducks model of relationships breakdown he identified ‘Dyadic Phase’ where couples express thoughts & feelings about other person that they previously withholding.
    L = Discussions that lead to deeper self-disclosure of intimate thoughts and feelings may not always be enough to rescue a relationship, in fact, they may even contribute to its breakdown.  This challenges SPT because deeper self-disclosure does not lead to a deeper relationship (and may contribute to its breakdown).
  • Evaluate Self Disclosure in factors affecting attaction?
    + Real Life Practical Applications
    + Supporting real-life research
    - Cultural Differences
    - Satisfaction Theory
  • Help remembering A03
    R - research in support
    A - practical application
    C - cultural influences
    S - Satisfaction Theory
    "Right away, carry suitcase"
  • Psychologists A03 self disclosure?

    Sprecher & Hendrick and Laurenceau et al - research in support
    Hass & Stafford - real life applications
    Tang et al - cultural differences