A03 - Filter Theory

Cards (15)

  • Evaluation of Filter Theory on factors affecting attraction?
    - LOW TEMPORAL VALIDITY (social change)
  • Cause & Effect - PART 1
    P = This theory suggests people are attracted to each other because they are similar but do they just become more similar over time?
    E = Anderson et al (2003) conducted a longitudinal study. Found emotional convergence i.e. cohabiting partners became more similar in emotional responses overtime.
  • Cause & Effect - PART 2
    E = Furthermore, Davis & Rusbult (2001) found an attitude alignment effect, in longer term relationships. Suggesting romantic partners overtime bring their attitudes into line with each other, again suggesting that similarity is an effect if initial attraction is not the cause.
    L = These findings are not predicted by the filter theory and thus weakens the validity of the theory.
  • High face validity 

    P = The Filter Theory has high face validity. 
    E = Winch (1958) provides supporting evidence; in the early stages of relationships, personality, interests & attitudes tend to be similar.
    E = He found that initial similarities in attitudes were cited as one of the main attractive features in the partners of respondents which increased the validity of the filter theory as a way of narrowing the field of variables down to the field of desirables.
    L = Therefore, this suggests that, filter theory is still a valid explanation of relationship formation thus strengthening it.
  • Failure to replicate - PART 1

    P = Many studies have failed to replicate the original findings that formed the basis of the filter theory.
    E = K & D chose an 18 month cut-off-point to distinguish between short term and long term relationships.
    E = Levinger (1974) said many studies have failed to replicate original findings that formed the basis of the filter theory . He put this down to social changes over time AND difficulties defining depth of a relationship in terms of length.
  • Failure to replicate - PART 2
    E = K & D assume partners who have been together longer (18 months) than this were more committed and had a deeper relationship.
    L = This highlights the problems in applying filter theory even to other heterosexual couples in the individualist culture, never mind to homosexual partners OR relationships in another culture. So this study lacks validity.
  • Temporal Validity - PART 1
    P = The rise of online dating has reduced the importance of some social demographic variables. 
    E = Technology like Internet & Tinder made meeting potential partners easier than ever, to the extent we may pursue a date with someone outside the usually demographic limits (different culture, social class, far away) than would have applied, say, 30 years ago (distance - better transport links to - death of distance, globalisation).
  • Temporal Validity - PART 2
    L = Meaning the filter theory is not longer applicable to todays society since most of the variables limiting certain people from getting together are no longer present. Meaning the filter theory now lacks temporal validity, weakening it and reducing its support.
  • Cause & Effect?
    A) ?
  • High Face Validity?
    A) ?
  • Failure to replicate
    A) ?
  • Temporal Validity?
    A) ?
  • Evaluation of Filter Theory on factors affecting attraction?
    -LOW TEMPORAL VALIDITY (social change)
  • Help with A03 points for FILTER THEORY
    Tom - low temporal validity 
    Can - cause & effect
    Very - high face validity 
    Funny - failure to replicate
  • Psychologists A03 - Filter Theory
    Anderson et al AND Davis & Rusbult - cause & effect 
    Winch - high face theory 
    Levinger - failure to replicate