A03 - Duck's Phase Model

Cards (10)

  • Evaluating Duck's Phase Model (Theories of Romantic Relationships)?
    - Incomplete Model
    - Cultural Bias
    - Methodological Issues
    + Real life applications
  • Incomplete Model - PART 1
    P = Rollie & Duck (2006), original model described is oversimplified. They modified it in 2006, add a 5th phase after grave-dressing, the resurrection phase. 
    E = Here, ex partners turn attention to future relationships using experiences gained from recently-ended one. They made clear = regression from one phase to next not inevitable.
  • Incomplete Model - PART 2
    E = Possible to return to earlier point in process in any phase. New model emphasises processes occurring in relationship breakdown (e.g. role of gossip in social phase) rather than linear movement from one phase to next.
    L = Changes overcome weakness of original model, that it's a limited explanation coz it doesn't account for uncertainty, complexity and dynamic nature of break-ups.
  • Real Life applications: PART 1
    P = Model can help us identify and understand the stages of relationship breakdown but also suggests various ways of reversing it - thus being helpful to real life.
    E = The model suggests that some repair strategies might be more effective at one stage of relationship breakdown rather than another.
  • Real Life applications: PART 2
    E = For example, in the intrapsychic stage partners could worry more positively about each other. Improving communication skills is beneficial in the dyadic phase.
    L = This suggests that the model can provide supportive insights to help people through difficult times in their lives and help prevent relationship breakdown.
  • Cultural Bias: PART 1
    P = Moghaddam et al (1993) argued the model is based on breakdown in INDIVIDUALIST cultures where relationships ae mostly voluntary and often end.
    E = Relationships in collectivists cultures are often 'obligatory' and less easy to end, often divorce being seen as shameful (e.g. China) - the whole concept of romantic relationship differs between cultures. Collectivists cultures often are more interdependent with each other and do things for the greater good of the group.
  • Cultural Bias: PART 2
    L = Thus, the model's application to reverse breakdown can only be applied in some cultures. Thus, Duck's phase model lacks generalisability and therefore lacks population validity, weakening it.
  • Methodological Issues - PART 1
    P = Most of the research relating to Duck’s model is retrospective.
    E = Participants generally recall & share their experiences of the breakdown process retrospectively/some time after the relationship has ended so report may not be accurate (especially recalling the early phases).
  • Methodological Issues - PART 2
    E = For example, the intrapsychic phase happens ‘longer ago’ and partners may spend a long time in it, so recall of what happened could be especially distorted.
    L = Thus the model does not explain the early part of the breakdown process as well as later phases, this methodology issue weakens the findings for the earlier stages thus weakening the reliability of the phase.
  • Evaluating Duck's Phase Model (Theories of Romantic Relationships)?
    -Incomplete Model
    -Cultural Bias
    -Methodological Issues
    + Real life applications