
Cards (45)

  • coding is the format in which information is stored
  • capacity is the amount of information that can be stored
  • duration is the length of time it can be stored
  • psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour
  • with short term memory participants performed worse on acoustically similair words
  • acoustically similar words confuse the short term memory
  • short term memory codes acoustically
  • long term memory codes semantically
  • the long term memory confuses words of the same meaning
  • millers magic number is 7 +/- 2
  • chunking helps memory
  • the multi store model suggests our memory is made up of three stores. The Sensory store, The Short-term memory store and the Long-term memory store. It also describes how information is transferred or lost between each stores.
  • the sensory register is the memory stores for each of our five senses, visions (iconic store), hearing (echoic store) and more.
  • coding in the ionic sensory register is visual
  • coding in the echoic register is acoustic
  • the capacity of the sensory register is huge
  • the duration of the sensory register is less than half a second
  • the three types of long term memory are , episodic, semantic and procedural.
  • episodic memory is recalling episodes from our lives, remembering when they happened as well as what happened clearly.
  • semantic memory is the knowledge of what words mean, the smell of something and concepts, etc.
  • procedural memory is the memory for actions and skills, these are recalled without conscious or effort.
  • The short term memory has four different components. The central executive , the phonological group, the visuo-spatial sketchpad and the episodic buffer.
  • the central executive supervisors and monitors incoming data, it allocates 'slave systems' to tasks.
  • the central executive doesn't code info.
  • the central executives capacity is limited
  • The phonological loop is divided into the phonological store and the articulatory process.
  • the phonological store, stores the words you hear.
  • the articulatory process allows maintenance rehearsal
  • the phonological loop codes acoustically
  • the capacity of the phonological loop is two seconds
  • the visuo-spatial sketchpad stores visual/ spatial information
  • the visuo-spatial sketchpad is divided into the visual cache and the inner scribe
  • the visual cache stores visual data
  • the inner scribe records the arrangement of objects.
  • The visuo-spatial sketchpad codes visually or spatially.
  • the visuo-spatial sketchpads capacity is limited
  • the episodic buffer is a temporary store for information, integrating the visual, spatial and acoustic
  • the episodic memory codes visually, spatially and acoustically.
  • the episodic memorys capacity is limited
  • proactive interference is when old memories interfere with new memories