
Cards (20)

  • what are ethical concerns
    when a conflict/dilemma exists between participants rights & researchers needs to gain valuable/meaningful findings
  • what are ethical concerns trying to protect
    participants safety and wellbeing
  • what is informed consent
    making participants aware of the aims of the research, procedure, their right to withdraw and what their data will be used for
  • whats a problem with informed consent
    sharing the aims/procedure risks making research meaningless as Ps won't act naturally
  • what is deception
    withholding information from participants or providing false information
  • when can deception be justified

    if it doesn't cause participants undue distress
  • what is protection from harm
    the risk to participants should be no greater than in everyday life - should be protected from physical or psychological harm (including feelings of embarrassment, stress or pressure)
  • what should Ps be reminded in order to protect them from harm
    their right to withdraw at any point
  • what is confidentiality
    Ps right to control information about themselves - right to privacy (e.g. name of where study occurred)
  • how do you avoid issues with informed consent
    get Ps to complete a consent form, presumptive consent or retrospective consent
  • whats presumptive consent
    a similar group are asked if they would be 'ok' with the study
  • whats retrospective consent

    Ps are asked after the study
  • how do you avoid deception
    obtain 'prior general consent
  • whats prior general consent

    Ps agree to take part in lots of different study's, one of which they will be deceived in however they don't know which study it will be
  • how do you protect Ps from harm
    debrief Ps after the study where: true aims are revealed, told what data will be used for, reassured behaviour is natural & offered counselling
  • how do you ensure confidentiality
    makes Ps information anonymous e.g. turning Ps into numbers, or using their initials
  • whats the BPS Code of Ethics
    a set of ethical guidelines which researchers have a professional duty to observe while conducting research
  • what do the BPS Code of Ethics ensure
    Ps are treated with respect and consideration
  • what do the ethic committees use
    cost-benefit analysis
  • what's cost benefit analysis
    weigh up the cost and benefits of a research proposal and decide whether study should go ahead