Localisation of Function (brain)

Cards (7)

  • What is hemispheric lateralisation?
    The division of functions between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
  • What would it mean if a function in the brain was contralateral?
    The function would be carried out on the opposite side from the hemisphere.
  • What does the corpus callosum do?
    Connects hemispheres
  • What is a split brain?
    Where the corpus callosum has been surgically cut, disconnecting the hemispheres. This supports hemispheric lateralisation.
  • What were the findings of Sperry’s study?
    Showed that verbal tasks were hemispherically lateralised but visual tasks were not.
  • 3 limitations of split brain research?
    Only uses a small sample of patients (cannot generalise results), confounding variable that all patients suffered from seizures, lack of replicablity.
  • Limitation of hemispheric lateralisation?
    Patient EB (case study) but has language skills recovered even though most of his left hemisphere was removed.