Types of Data

Cards (24)

  • whats qualitative data
    data expressed in words or written about thoughts,feelings & opinions
  • examples of qualitative data

    transcripts from an interview, extract from a diary, notes recored from a conversation
  • where do you gain qualitative data

    from interviews or unstructured obersvations
  • whats a strength of qualitative data
    increased validity as its more detailed as Ps can fully report thoughts,feelings & opinions on given subject
  • whats a weakness of qualitative data

    subjective interpretations of researcher (researcher bias) making its difficult to analyse and compare data, as it can't show statistics (trends/patterns)
  • what is quantitative data
    data expressed numerically scores from research
  • whats an example of quantitative data
    scores from memory test research
  • whats a strength of quantitative data

    data can be converted into statistics used in graphs, & charts
  • which data is better to use
    both - researchers collecting quantitative data may also interview Ps to gain more qualitative insight into their experiences. qualitative information can also be converted into numerical data e.g. questionnaires
  • what is primary data also referred to as
    field research
  • what is primary data
    original data collected specifically for the purpose of the investigation by the researcher
  • examples of primary data
    experiments, questionnaires, interview or observations
  • whats a strength of primary data
    its specific & authentic data obtained from the Ps themselves e.g. questionnaire/interview can target specific information researcher requires
  • whats a weakness of primary data
    it takes time & effort - it requires considerable planning, preparation & resources unlike secondary data which can be obtained within minutes
  • what is secondary data also referred to as
    desk research
  • whats secondary data
    data collected by someone other than the person who is conducting the research, it already exists before psychologist began their research - may already be subject to statistical testing therefore significance is known
  • examples of secondary data
    journal articles, books or websites
  • what statistics do the gov. hold
    data obtained by the census = population records, employee absences
  • what is a strength of secondary data
    its inexpensive & easily obtained requiring little effort - as desired information may already exist so no need to conduct primary research
  • whats 2 weaknesses of secondary data
    - substantial variation in quality/accuracy of secondary data - it may appear valuable but with further investigation may be outdated or incomplete
    - the data may not quite match the researchers needs or objective, challenging the validity of conclusions
  • whats meta-analysis
    number of studies which have the same aims/hypothesis are pooled together and created a conclusion - uses secondary data
  • whats a strength of meta-analysis
    increased validity as it creates larger sample size w/ more varied Ps & results which can then be generalised across larger populations
  • whats a weakness of meta-analysis
    prone to publication bias (file drawer problem) - researcher may not select all relevant studies, leaving out those with negative or non-significant results
  • whats a problem with publication bias
    the meta-analysis will be biased as they only present some of the relevant data