
Cards (9)

  • whats a distribution
    graphs used to show how evenly data is spread
  • whats a normal distribution
    symmetrical bell-shaped curve
    mean, mode & median are the same mid-point
    most people are in the middle, with a few in extreme areas
  • whats a skewed distribution
    bell-shaped curve which isn't symmetrical, data clusters to one end
  • whats a positive skewed distribution
    concentrated towards the left of the graph
    mode is highest point, median next & mean is furtherest along
  • what an example of a positive distribution
    a hard test were most got low marks
  • whats a negative skewed distribution
    concentrated towards the right of the graph
    mean is lowest, median is the middle & mode is the highest point
  • whats an example of a negative distribution
    an easy test were most got high marks
  • how do we know if theres a positive distribution
    mode is lower than the mean
  • how do we know if theres a negative distribution
    mode is higher than the mean