Dominated the Exploration Age for a while in the beginning of the 1400's. After the death of AdmiralZhengHe and the emperor, Europe was able to rise to power.
Played a majorrole in the tradingworld with textiles, copper weapons, incense, dyes, and opium. Not as powerful in the exploration aspect of this age.
Both Eastern European and Western African slaves were taken by Africans, Muslims, and Europeans during the Age of Exploration.
WestAfricanempire that played an important role in the tradeworld, especially of the sought after gold. Was also involved in exploration, but not to the extent of the Europeans.
Trade Routes
Because the Ottoman Empire dominated the East trade routes, Europeans felt they needed to find alternative routes to reach the Indies and Asian trading posts.
Venetian Merchants
Were not as well versed in trade as Asian merchants because they didn't have highly desired goods to sell. Made their money elsewhere in shipping industries, selling of firearms and slavetrade.
Genoese Merchants
Aided in financing the Spanishcolonization of the NewWorld; Big competitors of Venetian merchants
Atlantic Slave Trade
Genoese and Venetian merchants played a huge role in and heavily influenced this trade.
Highly sought after for religious, sexual, medicinal, and hygienicpurposes.
Spanishsoldier-explorers who sought to conquer the NewWorld in the name of the Spanish monarchy; Cortes and Pizarro.
Went to sea to escape poverty back at home. They were faced with harsh ship conditions such as cramped quarters and lice infestations.
Heavily influenced perceptions of "otherworldly", fictional people in the minds of readers; Columbus carried copies of 'The TravelsofSirJohnMandeville' and 'The Travels of Marco Polo' with him on his own travels.
A 3-mast, small, maneuverable sailing ship produced by the Portuguese in the 15th c. The ship gave them an advantage in both battle and exploration. Was smaller than a galley but held more cargo so preferred.
Ptolemy's Geography
2nd c. work that synthesized the Classical study of geography and longitudes/latitudes. Was reintroduced by Arab scholars in 15th c. and allowed for more accurate cartography.
Influences on European Explorers
Relied on the knowledge of the Chinese, Muslim, Indian Ocean, and Classic world's productions and goods. China: Gunpowder, Compass and Sternpost Rudder. Classical Greece/Muslims: Astrolabe.
Henry the "Navigator"
A 15th c. Prince who supported the study of geography and navigation. Sponsored an annualexpedition down the West Coast of Africa.
Rivals during this age but both used Gold, Glory, and God as means for exploration.
Vasco De Gama
Portuguese explorer who was the first to sail around the Cape of Africa to reached India in pursuit of a new trade route.
Christopher Columbus
A Genoese explorer who, in the name of the Spanish monarchy, sought out the Canary Islands and East Asia as a means to ensure new trade routes and spread Christianity. Dubbed Caribbean peoples "Indians" because he thought he landed in the East Indies (was actually contemporary West Indies).