Glossary Terms

Cards (23)

  • What is a covenant in the context of Christianity?
    A promise between God and his people, demanding particular behaviour from them
  • How does the New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant?
    The New Covenant is based on God's grace rather than a person's compliance with the law
  • What does grace refer to in Christian theology?
    The unmerited gift of God's favour in the salvation of sinners
  • What is the role of ministry in Christianity?
    Serving people and sharing the gospel through love and compassion
  • What is a sacrament?
    A religious ceremony regarded as imparting divine grace
  • What are the seven sacraments in Christianity?
    Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage, and Holy Orders
  • What does vocation mean in a religious context?
    God's call for individuals to serve Him in the world
  • What is the difference between a covenant and a contract?
    A covenant is a promise from God, while a contract is a mutual agreement between parties
  • What does conjugal love refer to?
    The affection of husband and wife that is both unitive and procreative
  • What is meant by the term "Domestic Church"?

    The family, as the smallest body of gathered believers in Christ
  • What is the Sacrament of Marriage also known as?
    Holy Matrimony
  • What does the term nuptial refer to?
    It relates to marriage or the marriage ceremony
  • What does procreative love mean?
    The selfless love of husband and wife for potential offspring
  • What is a rite in religious context?
    A ceremonial or formal act in accordance with prescribed rules
  • What is the definition of Holy Orders?
    The sacrament by which bishops, priests, and deacons are ordained
  • What is the role of a bishop in the church?
    A bishop has authority to ordain and confirm, governing a community or diocese
  • What is the role of a deacon?

    An ordained minister ranking below a priest, assisting in liturgy, word, and service
  • What is discernment in Christianity?

    The ability to obtain sharp perceptions or judge well with God's guidance
  • What does it mean to be ordained?
    To officially make someone a priest or religious leader in a ceremony
  • What is the role of a priest in the church?
    An ordained minister authorized to perform certain rites and administer sacraments
  • What are the key concepts related to the sacraments in Christianity?
    • Sacraments are religious ceremonies imparting divine grace.
    • Seven sacraments: Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage, Holy Orders.
    • Established by Christ for the Church.
  • What are the differences between a covenant and a contract?
    • Covenant: A promise from God requiring specific behaviour.
    • Contract: A mutual agreement between parties with consent.
  • What are the roles and responsibilities of bishops, priests, and deacons?
    • Bishop: Ordains and confirms, governs a community or diocese.
    • Priest: Authorized to perform rites and administer sacraments.
    • Deacon: Assists in liturgy, word, and service.