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    • Sensory Memory?
      1st part of the Memory System.
      It has 5 senses in the sensory store.
    • What are the characteristics of the Sensory Memory?
      Duration: Very brief, lasts for less than a second.
      Capacity: huge. (E.g Eye retina cell has over 100 million for each eye).
      Encoding: Converting info from environment (The 5 senses) into a form to store as memory.
      This depends on the sense.
    • Short term memory?
      Temporary store.
    • Short-term memory characteristics?
      Duration: Up to 30s.
      Capacity: A limited capacity store (Miller, 1996) 7+-2)
      Encoding: Mainly acoustic ( Sound) (Braddley, 1966) We can recall words straight after hearing them).
    • Who made the Multi Store Memory Model?
      (Atkinson & Shiffron, 1978)
    • Long term memory:
      Unlimited memory store. If STM’s are rehearsed, they will be encoded into LTM.
    • Duration of LTM:
      potentially a permanent memory store For info that has been rehearsed over a long period of time.
      May last up to a lifetime.
    • Capacity of LTM:
      we store everything we have learned in it.
      If you forget info in LTM, it’s may still be there you just don’t have the right cues.
    • Encoding of LTM:
      Mainly semantic (Based on meaning)
      Baddeley (1966b) found that mistakes were make in recalling words from LTM but tended to involve substituting words with the same meaning.
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