
Cards (24)

  • A cell is the smallest structural unit of the body
  • there are 4 basic cell types:
    connective tissue
  • tissues are groups of similar cells which all share the same function
  • organs are groups of different tissues that work together to perform a specific function
  • organ systems are groups of organs that work together to perform a specific function
  • organisms are the final level of structural classification
  • there are three types of epithelial cell
    they can be simple or stratified
  • functions of epithelial cells:
    protect body from environment
    separate body compartments
  • skin is an example of stratified squamous epithelial tissue
  • examples of connective tissue:
    adipose, areolar, bone, blood, cartilage, tendons
    adipose proves insulation and protection
    tendons transfer the force of muscle contraction
  • Types of muscle tissue:
    skeletal - for movement
    cardiac - in the heart
    smooth - arterial walls
    skeletal and cardiac muscle are striated due to sarcomeres
  • Two types of nervous cells
    neurones - transmit electrical stimuli throughout the body
    glial cells - support cells and insulate neurones from each other
  • histology is the study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues
  • organ systems
    control: endocrine, nervous
    maintenance: cardiovascular, renal, reproductive
    support: musculoskeletal
    defense: integumentary (skin), lymphatic
  • the axial skeleton forms a line from head, spine, ribs and sacrum
  • the appendicular skeloton makes up the limbs, scapula and pelvis
  • splanchnic bones are found in soft organs
    os penis - penis bone in cats and dogs
    ossa cordis - in the heart
  • bone classification
    long = limbs
    short = carpus/tarsus
    flat = skull for protection
    irregular = midline of body, vertebrae
    sesamoid = patella, reduces friction
    pneumatic = sinuses to reduce weight, skull - birds have lots of these bones to decrease weight for flight
    splanchnic = soft organs
  • vertebrae
  • the cartilage and bone in ribs is joined at costochondral junction
  • muscle groups
    epaxial = on or above axis
    hypaxial = below axis, form muscles of body wall, head and neck, appendicular skeleton
  • muscle terminology
    origin = muscle end attached to more stationary part, commonly the proximal end
    insertion = muscle end attached to the bone with the greatest movement
    belly = largest portion of muscle between origin and insertion
    extrinsic = originates outside of limb, but inserts on limb
    intrinisic = contained within one limb
  • body cavities
    dorsal = cranial and vertebral
    ventral = thoracic and abdominopelvic
  • serous membranes
    line body cavities and organs within them. they secrete serous fluid which stops organs sticking together.
    basement membrane and simple squamous epithelium
    thorax = pleura
    heart = pericardium
    pelvis = peritoneum