collects, processes + responds to information form the environment
co-ordinates the works of organs and cells
Nervous + endocrine
brain and spinal cord
brain is the centre of conscious awareness
outer layer (cerebral cortex) is 3mm around the whole brain, like an orange peel, only in mammals
spinalcord- controls reflexes, passes messages from the brain to the connecting neurones, then the PNS
Nervous + endocrine
PNS- peripheral nervous system
transmits messages through neuron's to and from the CNS
automatic nervous system (ANS)- vital functions- breathing, sexual arousal, stress reactions - sympathetic (fight vs flight) or parasympathetic (rest and digest)
somatic nervous system (SNS)- muscle movements- receives info from sensory receptors - Motor cortex
Nervous + endocrine-
Glands + hormones-
works with the NS for vital functions
various glands produce hormones into the blood stream, that affect certain cells due to a specific receptors
most hormones affect many parts of the body, making them have powerful responses
Nervous + endocrine-
endocrine + ANS-
pituitary- master gland
pancreatic islets- insulin, metabolism
testes- testosterone = aggression + sex drive
adrenaline- adrenal medulla (above kidneys), into the bloodstream, triggers physiological change + arousal - fight or flight
instant reaction- acute response
once the threat has gone the parasympathetic nervous system returns the body to normal- opposite to autonomic nervous system