Behavioural approach

Cards (21)

  • What is classical conditioning?

    A behavioral approach to learning that happens unconsciously.
  • What is the role of a stimulus in classical conditioning?
    A stimulus is an object or event that triggers a response.
  • What is an unconditional response (UR)?
    An automatic response to an unconditional stimulus.
  • What is a conditioned stimulus (CS)?

    A stimulus that can eventually trigger a conditioned response.
  • What is a neutral stimulus (NS)?

    A stimulus that does not initially trigger a response.
  • How did Pavlov demonstrate classical conditioning with dogs?
    Pavlov showed that dogs could be conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell without food present.
  • What is the unconditioned response (UCR) in Pavlov's experiment?

    Salivating in response to food.
  • What is the conditioned response (CR) in Pavlov's experiment?

    Salivating in response to the bell.
  • What is the process of classical conditioning as demonstrated by Pavlov's dogs?
    1. Neutral stimulus (bell) is presented with unconditioned stimulus (food).
    2. The dog salivates (unconditioned response).
    3. After repeated pairings, the bell becomes a conditioned stimulus.
    4. The dog salivates (conditioned response) at the sound of the bell alone.
  • What is the Skinner box used for in operant conditioning?
    The Skinner box is designed to study animal behavior through reinforcement.
  • How does positive reinforcement work?
    Positive reinforcement involves providing a reward to increase the likelihood of a behavior being repeated.
  • What is negative reinforcement?

    Negative reinforcement occurs when an unpleasant experience is removed, increasing the likelihood of a behavior being repeated.
  • What is punishment in the context of operant conditioning?
    Punishment is a stimulus that decreases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated.
  • What is partial reinforcement?
    Partial reinforcement is a schedule where a behavior is rewarded only some of the time, making it resistant to extinction.
  • How does the unpredictability of partial reinforcement lead to addiction?
    The unpredictability of rewards in partial reinforcement can lead to compulsive behavior, similar to gambling.
  • What are the schedules of reinforcement in operant conditioning?
    • Continuous reinforcement: Reward every time behavior occurs.
    • Partial reinforcement: Reward only some of the time.
    • Fixed-ratio schedule: Reward after a set number of responses.
    • Variable-ratio schedule: Reward after an unpredictable number of responses.
  • What are the real-life applications of behaviorism?
    Behaviorism has been applied to therapies for phobias, addiction, and other behavioral problems.
  • What is a key characteristic of behaviorism?
    Behaviorism focuses on measuring observable behavior.
  • What is the deterministic view of behaviorism?
    Behaviorism argues that all behavior is learned and predetermined by reinforcement history.
  • What are the ethical issues associated with behaviorism?
    Ethical issues include the use of stressful conditions in experiments and inhumane treatments in therapies.
  • What are the criticisms of behaviorism?
    • Ignores free will and internal thoughts.
    • Views humans and animals as machine-like.
    • Ethical concerns regarding treatment of subjects.