
Cards (21)

  • What is the definition of health according to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1946?
    Health is the state of complete physical, social and spiritual well-being, not simply the absence of illness.
  • How does Marks et al. (2024) define health?
    Health is a state of well-being with the satisfaction of physical, cultural, psychosocial, economic and spiritual needs, not simply the absence of illness.
  • What are the levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?
    1. Physiological Needs: Breathing, Food, Water, Sex, Sleep, Homeostasis
    2. Safety Needs: Security of Body, Employment, Resources, Family, Health, Property
    3. Love/Belonging Needs: Friendship, Family, Intimacy
    4. Esteem Needs: Self-Esteem, Confidence, Achievement, Respect of Others, Respect by Others
    5. Self-Actualization: Morality, Creativity, Spontaneity, Problem Solving, Lack of Prejudice, Acceptance of Facts
  • What are the components of the Health Psychology Onion model?
    • Biomedicine
    • Biological Factors (e.g., age, sex, heredity)
    • Living & Working Conditions (Public Health Psychology)
    • Individual Lifestyle Factors (Clinical Health Psychology)
    • Socio-economic & Environmental Conditions (Critical Health Psychology)
    • Social & Community Influences (Community Health Psychology)
  • What is the definition of health psychology according to Matarazzo (1982)?

    Health psychology is the aggregate of the specific educational, scientific, and professional contributions of psychology to health promotion, illness prevention, and health care system analysis.
  • What is the goal of evidence-based practice in health psychology?
    • To utilize randomized-control trials
    • To ensure interventions are based on the best available evidence
    • To improve health outcomes through scientifically validated methods
  • What is the focus of community health psychology?
    • Advancing theory, research, and social action
    • Promoting positive well-being and empowerment
    • Preventing the development of problems in communities, groups, and individuals
  • What are the key components of public health psychology?
    • Application of psychological theory and research
    • Improvement of population health
    • Focus on living and working conditions, individual lifestyle factors, socio-economic conditions, and community influences
  • What are the main aspects of critical health psychology?
    • Focus on power and rights
    • Critical analysis of health determinants
    • Consideration of socio-economic, cultural, and environmental conditions
  • What are some risk factors associated with coronary heart disease?
    • Tobacco use
    • Sedentary lifestyle
  • What are some risk factors associated with cancer?
    • Tobacco use
    • Improper diet
    • Alcohol use
    • Environmental exposure
    • Sedentary lifestyle
  • What are some risk factors associated with cerebrovascular disease (stroke)?
    • Tobacco use
    • Sedentary lifestyle
  • What are some risk factors associated with chronic lung disease?
    • Tobacco use
    • Sedentary lifestyle
  • What are some risk factors associated with accidental injuries?
    • Not using seatbelts
    • Alcohol use
    • Home hazards
  • What is the recommended body mass index (BMI) for health?
    BMI should be less than 25.
  • What are some dietary recommendations for maintaining a healthy BMI?
    • Diet high in cereal fiber and polyunsaturated fat
    • Low in trans fat and glycaemic load
  • What are some lifestyle recommendations for maintaining a healthy BMI?
    • Moderate to vigorous physical activity for half an hour a day
    • No current cigarette smoking
    • Average of half an alcoholic drink per day
  • What are some effective behavioral weight-control techniques?
    • Keep an eating diary
    • Keep problem foods out of sight
    • Examine triggers for eating
    • Serve and eat one portion at a time
    • Distinguish hunger from cravings
    • Do nothing else while eating
    • Eat in one place
    • Cope positively with slips or lapses
    • Prepare meals at home
    • Keep an exercise diary
    • Put fork down between bites
    • Program exercise activity
    • Don’t buy highly processed foods
    • Shop on a full stomach
  • What is the focus of the Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan?
    • Reducing nicotine levels in smoked tobacco products
    • Reducing retail access to tobacco products
    • Creating a tobacco-free generation by prohibiting sales to those born after a certain date
  • In what layer do the weight control techniques fit according to the health psychology framework?
    • Individual Lifestyle Factors
  • In what layer would the Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan fit?
    • Socio-economic & Environmental Conditions