
Cards (5)

  • neuron
    The basic building blocks of the nervous system. Process & transmit messages through electrical & chemical signals.
  • sensory neuron
    -carry nerve impulses from the PNS to the CNS
    -in sense organs e.g., the eyes
    -when the impulses reach the brain they translate into sensations e.g., vision
    -stop at the spinal chord to allow for quick reflexes
    -long dendrites & short axons
  • relay neuron
    -allow sensory & motor neurons to communicate
    -in brain & spinal chord (CNS)
    -short dendrites & short axons
  • motor neuron
    -in the CNS
    -control muscle movement
    -release neurotransmitters that bind to the receptor muscles & triggers a response. Leads to movement.
    -short dendrites & long axons
  • reflex arc
    -stimulus detected by sense organs in the PNS, sends message along sensory neuron
    -message reaches the CNS, connects with relay neuron
    -transfers to motor neuron
    -carries message to the effector e.g., muscle

    Example: touching a hot object
    -message only goes to the spinal chord which enables a quick reaction, message is sent to the brain after the hand has been removed