split brain research - Sperry & Gazzaniga (1967)
-the corpus callosum that connects both hemispheres and lets them communicate is severed
-done on 11 epilepsy patients
-wanted to see how both hemispheres are specialised for functions
-patients were presented with an image/word to the LVF or RVF. Info shown to one VF goes to the opposite H (right goes to left etc)
-different tasks: describing what is seen; tactile test; drawing test
-findings: if shown an image in the RVF, could describe it verbally; if shown in LVF, couldn't verbally describe it. Tactile test: if shown in RVF, could describe verbally; LVF, could select the object. Drawing task: RVF, poor drawing; LVF, clearer drawing
-RH: visual-motor dominant