
Cards (6)

  • plasticity:
    -the brain changes and adapts because of experiences
    -the brain can structurally change to new conditions
    -plasticity is highest at infancy - by 3y/o there are up to 15000 synapses per neuron
  • synaptic pruning:
    synapses die when they are not used - synapses are lost
  • synaptic bridging:
    connections that are frequently used are strengthened
  • Draganski et al (2006):
    -brain images of medical students 3 months before an exam and right after the exam, compared with people not studying for an exam. Students brain structure changed, the others did not.
    -shows that plasticity happens when revising/revisiting concepts.
  • Maguire et al (2000):
    -looked at the hippocampus of london taxi drivers (who have to remember every street name in london) and found that they had a higher volume of grey matter in their hippocampus compared to others.
    -shows that plasticity happens and changes the brain structure.
  • Strengths:
    -case study support: Phineas Gage. Had a rod go through his brain, behaviour changed but he regained his social skills. Increases the external validity of plasticity.
    -practical application: stroke patients can have rehabilitation to increase cognitive functioning (evidence of plasticity). D: economic implications. Stroke patients can go to work after this, gives money to the economy. Plasticity has use.
    -negative consequences: drugs can make the brain adapt negatively, reduces functions. Majority of amputees have phantom limb syndrome. Plasticity is not always positive.