Cards (14)

  • Cell Membrane or Plasma Membrane
    • Controls what enters and leaves the cell
    • Semi-permeable means does not allow everything to pass freely inside-out
  • Structure of Cell Membrane
    • Fluid Mosaic Model
    • Sandwich Model
  • Fluid Mosaic Model
    • Moves around
    • Gives Cell Membrane flexibility
    • Fluid - movement, floating around they're not static
    • Mosaic - arranges small pieces together to make some large piece
  • Polar - dissolved in water (Ex. Water)
    Non Polar- won't dissolve in water (Ex. Oil)
  • Phospholipid Bilayer
    • Hydrophilic Head
    • Loves Water
    • Polar
    • Two Hydrophobic Tail
    • Hates Water
    • Non-polar
  • Phospholipid Bilayer
    • makes up the cell membrane
    • protects cells
    • bilayer - it has two layers of molecules called phospholipids
    • Phospholipids bilayers border the whole cell
  • Phospholipids Bilayer
    • Cholesterol
    • Proteins
    • Carbohydrates
  • Cholesterol
    • If temperatures drop, the cholesterol can function as spacers between the phospholipids keeping them becoming too packed
    • Vice versa, the cholesterol can function to connect phospholipids to keep them from becoming to fluid in warm temperatures
  • Proteins
    • Integral Proteins
    • Peripheral Proteins
  • Peripheral Proteins
    • exterior area of the membrane
    • more loosely attached since they are not generally stuck
    • Acting as enzymes to speed up reaction, attaching to the cytoskeleton structures to help with the cell shapes
  • Integral Proteins (transmembrane proteins)
    • go through the membrane (connecting both the inside and outside of the cell.)
    • peripheral proteins can sit on them
    • transporting methods for all kinds of materials
    • Consider you ate breakfast and your body digest what you ate for breakfast to obtain glucose
    • Once in the bloodstream, those glucose molecules can't just squeeze through the phospholipid bilayer to enter to your cells. The glucose molecules are too big and polar
    • But your cells need glucose to survive to make ATP and then gets in Integral Protein
  • GLYCOLIPID - carbohydrates attached to the lipid
    GLYCOPROTEIN - carbohydrates attached to the protein
    • Fighting pathogens
    • Cell signalling
  • GLYCOPROTEIN known as CD4
    • found on the surface some of your immune cells
    • essential for some of these immune cells to interact with each other and activate