Experimental Designs

Cards (9)

  • Repeated Measures Design
    Participants take part in all conditions.
  • Advantages of Repeated Measures Design
    • There are no individual differences between Ps because its the same Ps in each group
    • Fewer Ps are required, so more economical
  • Independent Measures Design
    A different set of Ps are used in each of the conditions
  • Disadvantages of Repeated Measures Design
    • Order effects can occur where they might do better in a second condition because of practice or are bored (overcome by counterbalancing)
    • It can not always be used because once you have taken part in one condition you cannot do the other due to learning a technique.
  • Advantages of Independent Group Design
    No order effects of practice or boredom
    Most widely used as there is no matching required and no problem of the order.
  • Disadvantages of Independent Group Design
    Individual difference of the Ps in the groups, if might be that you have put together a group with a significantly higher average IQ than the other, so they preform better
    Uneconomic use of Ps as you will need more.
  • Matched Pairs Design
    A different set of Ps are used in each condition of the experiment, they are matched on important criteria, e.g. intelligence
  • Advantages of Matched Pairs Design

    No order effects
    Reduces individual differences as groups are matched on important requirements.
  • Disadvantages of Matched Pairs Design

    Time consuming to get pairs
    Exactly matched participants are impossible to achieve