Experimental Methods

Cards (12)

  • Lab Experimental Method
    P knows they are in a study
    High Control, the researcher manipulates variables they are testing
    Usually control and experimental group
    Cofounding variables held constant
  • Advantages of Lab Study
    There is high control over variables (more extraneous variables can be controlled), this means the IV is causing the change in the DV
    Replicability - because of the high control in the procedures, this means the study should be easily repeated to see if other researchers achieve the same results, if they find similar results the study is reliable.
  • Disadvantages of Lab study
    Lacks ecological validity. It is artificial and the Ps are unlikely to encounter the scenarios in everyday life, this means we cannot generalise to real life.
    Demand Characteristics - Ps know they are being studied and attempt to guess the aim, so they will try to act in a way they believe the researcher would want or sabotage the study, meaning the results are not valid.
  • Field Experimental Method
    Increased realism by carrying it out in a naturalistic environment
    Iv is manipulated
    Ps do not know they are in an experiment
  • Advantages of a Field Experimental Method
    High ecological validity - less artificial so validity is higher and we are able to generalise to other real life scenarios
    Reduces Demand Characteristics - The Ps are unaware they are taking part in a study so they shouldn't work at the aim and change their behaviour so we can trust the results are valid.
  • Disadvantages of a Field Experimental Method
    Loss of control - cofounding variables could easily influence the results as the researcher as no control of the environment
    Ethical issues - lack of informed consent and protection of Ps - they may feel embarrassed from being studied without knowing.
  • Natural Experiment Study
    The researcher does not manipulate the IV, instead they take advantage of something naturally occurring
    There is no control by researcher
  • Advantages of Natural Experiment Study

    Reduces demand characteristics
    Lack of direct intervention and manipulation - it is possible through that just the presence of a researcher has an effect of Ps behaviour
  • Disadvantages of Natural Experiment Study

    Loss of control
    Ethical issues
  • Quasi Experimental Study
    This is almost a lab experiment, but where the IV cannot be determined by anyone, because it already exists (predetermined), such as gender.
  • Advantages of a Quasi Experimental Study
    High Control
  • Disadvantages of Quasi Experimental Study
    Lacks ecological validity
    May have a bias sample as Ps can't be randomly allocated into groups.