What is the function of the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) in the CPU?
It performs calculations and logical decisions.
What role does the Control Unit play in the CPU?
It acts as the command centre, directing data movement and coordinating operations within the CPU.
What is the purpose of the Cache in a CPU?
It is a small, fast memory located close to or inside the CPU for quick access to frequently used instructions and data.
What are Registers in the context of a CPU?
They are super-fast, on-board memory with specific purposes.
What are the key registers in a CPU and their functions?
Accumulator: Temporarily stores results of operations carried out in the ALU.
Memory Address Register (MAR): Holds the address of the data or instruction to be fetched or stored.
Program Counter (PC): Holds the memory address of the next instruction to be processed.
Memory Data Register (MDR): Holds the data or program temporarily when fetched from or sent to memory.
What is the main factor affecting CPU performance related to clock speed?
Clock speed is measured in Hertz, indicating the number of cycles per second.
How does an increase in clock speed affect CPU performance?
If the clock speed increases, the CPU can perform more cycles per second.
Why is cache size important for CPU performance?
Cache memory is an intermediary between main memory and the CPU, making frequently used data available more quickly.
What is the advantage of having multiple cores in a processor?
Processors with dual-cores can perform parallel processing with two instructions simultaneously.
How does the performance of a quad-core processor compare to a single-core processor?
A quad-core processor can operate faster when executing many tasks simultaneously, but isn't necessarily four times faster if not designed for multiple cores.
What is the Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle in CPU operations?
It is the process where the processor fetches an instruction, decodes it, and then executes it one instruction at a time.
What is the first step when a program is to be run on a computer?
The program has to be loaded into main memory (RAM).
Why can't the processor access secondary storage directly?
The processor can only access data from main memory (RAM).
What are the key characteristics of RAM?
Stores data/programs/OS that is currently in use
Can be written to and read from
What are the key characteristics of ROM?
Stores BIOS/bootstrap loader required to start up the computer