Cards (17)

  • Target Population
    The group that the researchers draws the sample from and wants to be able to generalise the findings to.
  • Why is it important the sample is representative
    So it is free from bias and can be generalised.
  • Random Sampling
    • Very common method
    • Every person in the population has an equal chance of being selected
    • Selection must be unbiased
  • Advantages of random sampling
    It is the only sampling method that ensures we have gained sample in an unbiased way
  • Disadvantages of random sampling
    The group you end up with might be unrepresentative, for example you could pick people with good memory in a memory test
  • Opportunity Sampling
    This is where you pick those who are easily available to be studied. You ask the people in your school. Anyone who agrees to take part forms your sample.
  • Advantages of Opportunity Sampling
    • it is easier to get a sample
    • It is very widely used in psychology, researchers tend to use the students at the university where they work
  • Disadvantages of Opportunity Sampling
    • A high chance of bias - the researcher may choose people he/she would want they are the same type of people anyway
  • Self Selected Sample

    The Ps select themselves e.g. replying to an advertisement
  • Advantages of a Self Selected Sample
    Sample selects itself so easy for researcher
  • Disadvantages of Self Selected Sample
    Majority of people unlikely to respond
    Biased sample - those who may respond could be a similar type of person, e.g. more conforming and show demand characteristics
  • Systematic Sample
    Select Ps at fixed intervals every x'th person. If you have 75 people and have a sample of 15
    You would do 75/3 and select every 5th person
  • Advantages of systematic samples
    Fairly unbiased
  • Disadvantages of systematic sampling
    Not truly random
  • Stratified Sampling

    This is one that is in proportion to those in the population. Say there were 100 teachers in a school, but only 20 males, you would decide how many people you would want in the sample, such as 10 then make the ratio in this case 2:8
  • Advantages of Stratified Sampling
    The sample is proportionate to the population so is representative
    As a random sample is used it is fairly unbiased
  • Disadvantages of Stratified Sampling
    Time consuming