Explanations: Bowlby

    Cards (4)

    • Limitation - Validity of monotropy
      although first attachments do appear to have a particularly strong influence on late behaviour this may simply mean that it is stronger not different in quality from other attachments
    • Strength - Support for social releasers:
      Brazelton et al - Babies became upset when attachment figure ignored social releasers they showed distress but eventually lay curled up, motionless.
    • Strength - Support for internal working model:
      Bailey et al - Quality of attachment is passed on through generations
      99 mums with poor attachment to own parents were more likely to have 1 year olds who were poorly attached
    • Limitation - Feminist concerns:
      Burman - Bowlby's views imply that women shouldn't work outside the home
      Counterpoint - Bowlby gave the mothers credit and the theory had real world applications
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