Explanations: Learning theory

Subdecks (1)

Cards (10)

  • What does learning theory focus on?
    The rewards provided by caregivers
  • What is “cupboard love”
    Children love whoever feeds them, food is very important in attachment formation
  • Who proposed the learning theory of attachment?
    Dollard and Miller
  • How is classical conditioning involved in learning theory?
    1)Food (UCS) -> Pleasure (UCR)
    2)Caregiver (NS) -> No response
    3)Food (UCS) + Caregiver (NS) -> Pleasure (UCR)
    4)Caregiver (CS) -> Pleasure (CR)
  • How is operant conditioning involved in learning theory?
    It explains why babies cry for comfort:
    • Crying leads to a response from the caregiver e.g. feeding
    • As long as the caregiver provides the correct response, crying is reinforced
    • Baby then directs crying for comfort towards caregiver who responds with comforting social suppressor behaviour
    • At the same time as the baby is reinforced for crying the caregiver receives negative reinforcement because crying stops
  • Attachment as a secondary drive:
    Attachment becomes a secondary drive through association with hunger