A computer is an electronic device which takes input, processes data, and delivers output.
Memory is hardware that is used to store data that a CPU needs access to.
The CPU processes data and instructions through the FDE-cycle and controls the rest of the computer system.
The Control Unit sends signals on how data should movearound the CPU. The CU is also responsible for fetching, decoding and executing instructions.
The Arithmetic Logic Unit performs the calculation and logical decisions. It also acts as a gateway between primary memory and secondary storage.
Cache memory is high-speed random access memory built into the processor. It is a temporary store of instructions which are likely to be reused.
The registers include: Memory Address Register, Accumulator, Memory Data Register, Program Counter
Registers are small amounts of high-speed memory within the CPU.
The Memory Address Register is the register that tracks the RAM address of the instruction that is to be fetched.
The Program Counter (PC) holds the address of the next instruction to be executed.
The Memory Data Register stores the instruction that has been transferred from the RAM to the CPU.
The Accumulator stores the result of the mathematical or logical calculations.
The instructions are fetched from RAM to be decoded and executed by the CPU. (FDE cycle)
FDE Cycle | 1. The Program Counter displays the address in RAM of the next instruction to be processed. This value is copied into the MAR (MemoryAddressRegister).
FDE Cycle | 2. The PC register is incremented to prepare for the next instruction to be fetched.
FDE Cycle | 3. The CPU checks the address in the RAM which matches the address held in the Memory Address Register.
FDE Cycle | 4. The instruction in the RAM is transferred to the MDR.
FDE Cycle | 5. The instruction in the MDR is decoded by the Control Unit.
FDE Cycle | 6. The cycle repeats and checks the program counter again for the next instruction.
Clock speed is the number of clock cycles per second that the CPU can complete. It is measured in Hertz.
The cache size is the amount of RAM that is used to store frequently used data. A bigger cache means more data can be stored.
If the number of cores is high, more tasks can be completed simultaneously.
An embedded system is a small computer that forms part of a larger system, device or machine. An example of this would be a washingmachine.