Infradian Rhythm

Cards (5)

  • Infradian Rhythm-
    • over 24 hours
  • Infradium Rhythms-
    Menstrual cycle-
    • Oestrogen releases the egg
    • Proestrogen thickens the lining of the uterus
    • 28 day cycle
  • Infradian Rhythm-
    Stern and Clintock- 1998
    • Investigated the synchronising of the menstrual cycle
    • 29 women with irregular periods
    • Each in different stages of their cycle
    • Pheromones taken from 9 women via a cotton pad in their armpits for 8 hours, daily
    • Treated with alcohol and freezing to be sterile
    • Rubbed on the upper lip of the other 20 women, each day of their cycle
    • 68% of women had changed to be more alike their ‘odour donor’
  • Infradian Rhythm-
    Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
    • Depressive disorder with a seasonal pattern
    • Symptoms- depression, persistent low mood, lack of activity and interest in life
    • Symptoms often triggered by winter due to the reduced daylight
    • Circannual rhythm due to it being annual, and circadian due to its effect on the sleep wake cycle
    • Slower inhibitation of melatonin due to the darker morning, meaning there is less serotonin produced.
  • Infradian Rhythm-
    S- Explained in natural selection- pregnant at the same time, so offspring shall always be cared for if their mother dies.
    W- Confounding variables- stress, diet, exercise