
Cards (7)

  • reliability is a measure of?
  • internal reliability
    The measure of consistency within the research.
  • how can internal reliability be tested?
    Split-half. The data collected in the research is split in half and compared with one another. If both halves match/are very similar there is high internal reliability.
  • external reliability
    The consistency of multiple/different measures of the same thing - the consistency from one test to another.
  • how can external reliability be tested?
    Test-retest. Participants complete the same test/ questionnaire under the same conditions but on a different occasion. If this set of results is the same as the first set there is high external reliability.
  • inter-observer reliability
    Two or more researchers work together and both observe behaviours. This can be subjective and make finding bias as people have different methods of research/find different things important.
  • self-report methods: improving reliability
    Interviews: more closed questions
    Observations: operationalising behavioural categories, training on how to use the categories