
Cards (8)

  • what are ethical issues?
    Things researchers should be aware of when conducting research, these are based around how to treat participants.
  • what are the four key principles - BPS?
  • confidentiality
    Participants have the right to privacy and controlling information about themselves.
  • right to withdraw
    Participants can stop taking part whenever they want to. All of their data has to be destroyed.
  • deception
    Deliberately misleading or withholding information from participants.
  • protection from harm
    Participants should not be put at risk. They should be protected from physical and psychological harm.
    After the research has taken place participants should be told that their behaviour was typical and in extreme cases should be offered counselling.
  • informed consent
    Participants should know what the research is about before they consent to take part. Participants are told the aims of the research.
    (to avoid giving the aims away a debrief can be used at the end of the research).
  • debrief
    Participants are told what the research was actually about/ what actually happened during the study after it has taken place.