tables & graphs

Cards (8)

  • raw data tables
    Shows scores before analysis.
    -does not tell us much as it is hard to identify patterns in data.
  • frequency data tables
    Data can be organised and patterns can be seen.
    -more useful than raw data tables.
  • summary tables
    Summary tables are used when displaying the measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion.
    -shows a clear summary of data.
  • pie charts
    Data is in categories - 'discrete data'.
    Used for nominal data.
  • bar charts
    'discrete data' - categories are placed on the X axis, frequency/mean is placed on the Y axis.
    -bars should not touch. All bars should be separated equally + have equal width.
    Used for nominal data.
  • histograms
    Represents data on a 'continuous scale' - plot the frequency.
    -columns touch as all data is on a related scale. Scores are on the X axis, the other variable is on the Y axis.
    Used for interval data.
  • frequency polygons
    An alternative to a histogram (frequency polygons are also called line charts).
    -the lines show where mid-points of each column on a histogram would reach.
    -useful in comparing 2+ conditions at the same time.
    Used for interval data.
  • Scattergrams
    Measures the relationship between 2 variables.
    -one variable on the X axis, the other variable on the Y axis.
    -plot an X on the graph where variables meet.
    -the patterns of point reveal different types of correlation (positive, negative, no relationship).
    Used for correlations only.