peer review

Cards (5)

  • Peer review
    When someone in the same field of study as you looks at and makes comments (reviews) your piece of research.
  • peers
    People that are in the same field of study/research as the researcher.
  • 3 aims of a peer review
    1. to help allocate funding/see if funding should be given.
    2. to validate the relevance and quality of the research.
    3. to suggest improvements/amendments that can be made. Also to see if the research is appropriate.
  • how psychological research is published/in what form
    -academic journals
  • evaluations
    - Anonymity. This means that the reviews have an increased likelihood of being genuine - the reviewers are more likely to give their true opinion. But, some reviewers can use this negatively and can be unjust and extremely harsh.

    - Publication bias. Not all research will get published if it does not aline with what the publishers want to put out. Good/ significant research can face the file drawer problem.

    - Burying groundbreaking research. If someone is reviewing a piece of research that conflicts theirs they are likely to be harsh and say that the research is not worthy of being published/ is inappropriate.