self-report techniques

    Cards (17)

    • self report method
      -ppts record their own behaviour e.g., questionnaire.
    • open questions
      -questions that do not have a fixed response, ppts can elaborate their answer.
    • closed questions
      -questions that have a fixed response e.g., yes/no.
    • leading questions
      -worded in a certain way to get a certain answer.
    • emotive language
      -language that elicits a specific response. Changes ppt's perception of the question.
    • double negatives
      -2+ negative words are used which can mislead ppts.
    • rating scale
      -can have any number of choices/numeric responses which measure feelings on a topic.
    • likert scale
      -ppts use a scale to show how much they agree/disagree.
    • jargon
      -specialist language is used.
    • double-barreled questions
      -more than one topic is included but only one answer is allowed.
    • AO3
      -can be cheap
      -have a larger sample
      -open questionnaires = higher validity
      -closed questionnaires = higher reliability

      -closed questionnaires = little validity
      -demand characteristics
      -low response rate
    • interviews
      -interviewer asks ppts questions & records the answers
    • structured interviews
      -the interviewer has a set list of questions and conversation framework to follow.
    • unstructured interviews
      -the interviewer has a list of topics/ideas/questions but there is flexibility in this - ppts can give detailed responses and can be asked questions that are not written down.
    • structured interviews - AO3
      -responses are easier to analyse than those of unstructured interviews.
      -easy to replicate (standardised questions).

      -points/details can be missed - decreases validity.
      -issue with social desirability.
    • unstructured interviews - AO3
      -ppts may feel more comfortable so will give more valid answers.
      -rapport can be built.

      -open to bias.
      -takes a lot of training - time consuming.
    • interviewer bias
      -perspective/beliefs the interviewer hold may interfere with the findings.
      -body language also leads to different responses e.g., sighing, interrupting, leading questions.