features of science

Cards (9)

  • feature 1 : theory construction
    - a theory is an educated assumption, which is constructed through direct observation, theories help us to explain behaviours
    - you must be able to prove or disprove a theory
    EG: pavlov's dogs
    - looked at his theory to get to classical conditioning.
  • feature 2 : hypothesis testing
    - hypothesis testing involves experimentally checking if the theory is valid (correct)
    - to be scientific, a theory must be able to be tested in this way
    step 1 - hypothesis
    pavlov hypothesised that dogs would make an association
    step 2 - experiment
    pavlov conducted his experiment
    step 3 - analysis and conclusion
    pavlov found that the findings were in favour of his hypothesis
  • feature 3 : paradigms
    - paradigms are shared assumptions and understandings within a scientific discipline
    - for a discipline to be considered scientific, it must have a set of laws which no one can question
    EG: in chemistry, appreciating that sodium is a group 1 alkali metal
  • feature 4 : objectivity
    - when we minimised the influence of personal biases within the research process
    - this helps to maintain the validity of our research because extraneous variables (IE: demand characteristics, investigator effects) are limited.
  • how to increase objectivity
    - 3rd party (independant)
    - collaboration with other people: biases even out
    - taking a blind approach to the research
  • feature 5 : replicability
    - replicability is the atent to which scientific findings or research can be repeated over and over again.
    - replicating the same results indicated replicability of the findings, but not necessarily validity
  • replicability across contexts and cultures
    - if findings are replicated across different contexts and cultures, this can indicate they are generalisable
    - generalisability of the findings could indicate they are valid, replicability is therefore important in determining the reliability and validity of the research
  • replicability of the methods
    • lab - easy, can control environment, scientific
    • field - difficult, have to go to environment, hard to get same place
    • natural - difficult, naturally occuring event
    • controlled observation - easy, recreate conditions
    • naturalistic observation - difficult, hard to replicate the same environment
    • questionnaire - easy, pre determined
    • unstructured interview - difficult, random questions, conversation like
  • feature 6 : falsifiability
    - the idea that a theory is not scientific unless we can disprove it.
    - EG: it is generally acceptable that all swans are white, however we could easily disprove this theory by finding a swan that was black
    - null hypothesis is always used alongside the alternative hypothesis
    - in an ideal world we want to be able to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis