Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic

Cards (11)

  • What organelles do Prokaryotic Cells have but Eukaryotic?
    Mesosomes, Capsules, Nucleoids, Plasmids, Flagella
  • What are Mesosomes?
    In-folds of the Cell Membrane that have a large surface area for the attachment of enzymes in respiration
  • What are Plasmids?
    Tiny circles of DNA carrying a few genes, can be transferred from bacteria to bacteria in a process called Conjugation
  • What is different about the Ribosomes in Prokaryotic Cells?
    They aren't attatched to any membranes and are smaller
  • What is a Flagellum?
    A "Whip-like" structure that rotates to allow the bacteria to move (Some don't have this and some have more than one)
  • What is the difference in Cell Walls in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells?
    Prokaryotic: Peptidoglycan or Murein Eukaryotic: Cellulose (plants) or chitin (fungi)
  • What is a Capsule?
    A slimy layer outside the cell wall
  • What can the Capsule do?
    • Stop the cell drying out
    • Stick cells together
    • Protect the cell from the action of the host's digestive enzymes
  • How do Prokaryotic Cells divide?
    Binary Fission
  • Is Binary Fission Asexual or Sexual?
  • Are Bacterium Uni or multicellular?