Asch's Variables

Cards (6)

  • Group size?
    Asch wanted to know whether the size of the group would impact conformity, so he varied the number of confederates from 1-15.
  • Group size - findings?
    Once you get to 4 confederates, conformity doesn't significantly change showing that a large group is not needed for someone to conform.
  • Unanimity?
    Asch wondered if the presence of a non-conforming person (a dissenter) would affect the participants conformity
  • Unanimity - findings?
    The presence of the dissenter made the participant behave more independently, showing that conformity may relate to confidence.
  • Task difficulty?
    Asch made the lines of more similar length to make the task harder
  • Task difficulty - findings?

    Asch found that as the task got more difficult, conformity increased.