Cards (100)

    O: Iliac crest and tuberosity, sacrum, spinous processes of T11-L5 and supraspinous ligaments
    R: Up and out via slips
    I: Upper 6 ribs and transverse processes of C7
    A: Unilateral action: ipsilateral side flexion/rotation
    Bilateral action: trunk/neck extension
    NS: Adjacent posterior primary rami
    O: · Iliac crest and tuberosity, Sacrum, Spinous process of T11-L5 and supraspinous ligaments
    R: Up and out via slips
    I: Posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of C4-C7
    A: Unilateral action: ipsilateral side flexion/rotation
    Bilateral action: trunk/neck extension
    NS: Adjacent posterior primary rami
    O: Iliac crest and tuberosity, Sacrum, Spinous process of T11-L5 and supraspinous ligament
    R: Up and out via slips
    I: Inferior border of lower 6 ribs
    A: UNILATERALLY: ipsilateral side flexion/rotation
    BILATERAL: trunk extension
    NS: Adjacent posterior primary rami
    O: Transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae, Adjacent fascia
    R: Up and outwards
    I: Transverse processes of all 12 thoracic vertebrae and Lower 10 ribs
    A: UNILATERALLY: ipsilateral side flexion/rotation
    BILATERAL: trunk extension
    NS: Adjacent posterior primary rami
    O: Transverse processes T1-T6
    R: Up and outwards
    I: Posterior tubercles of transverse processes C2-C6
    A: Unilateral action: ipsilateral side flexion/rotation
    Bilateral action: trunk/neck extension
    NS: Adjacent posterior primary rami
    O: Transverse processes of T1-T5 and articular processes of C4-C7
    R: Up and outwards
    I: Posterior aspect of mastoid process
    A: Unilateral action: ipsilateral side flexion/rotation
    Bilateral action: trunk/neck extension
    NS: Adjacent posterior primary rami
    O: Spinous processes of T11-12
    R: Upwards
    I: Spinous processes of T1-T6
    A: UNILATERALLY: ipsilateral side flexion/rotation
    BILATERAL: trunk extension
    NS: Adjacent posterior primary rami
    O: Spinous process to spinous process -> is poorly developed and often blends with other muscles (spinalis thoracis T11-T12)
    R: Upwards
    I: Poorly developed and frequently blend with other muscles (Spinalis Thoracis T1-T6)
    A: Unilateral action: ipsilateral side flexion/rotation
    Bilateral action: trunk/neck extension
    NS: Adjacent posterior primary rami
    O: Spinous process to spinous process -> is poorly developed and often blends with other muscles (spinalis thoracis T11-T12)
    R: Upwards
    I: Poorly developed and frequently blend with other muscles (Spinalis Thoracis T1-T6)
    A: Unilateral action: ipsilateral side flexion/rotation
    Bilateral action: trunk/neck extension
    NS: Adjacent posterior primary rami
    O: Transverse processes of lower thoracic vertebrae (T6-T10)
    R: Upwards and inwards
    I: Spinous processes C6-T2
    A: UNILATERALLY: contralateral rotation
    BILATERAL: trunk extension
    NS: Adjacent posterior primary rami
    O: Transverse process T1-T6
    R: Upwards and inwards
    I: Spinous process C1-C6
    A: · Unilateral action: contralateral rotation
    Bilateral action: trunk extension
    NS: Adjacent posterior primary rami
    O: Transverse process T1-T6, Articular processes of C4-C7
    R: Upwards and inwards
    I: Medial impression between the superior and inferior nuchal lines on base of skull
    A: · Unilateral action: contralateral rotation
    Bilateral action: trunk extension
    NS: Adjacent posterior primary rami
    O: Sacrum, Fascia overlying erector spinae and Transverse processes
    R: Upwards and inwards
    I: All spinous processes C2-L5. Fibres span 1-4 vertebrae.
    DEEPEST LAYER: Vertebrae immediately above
    MIDDLE LAYER: 2nd or 3rd above
    SUPERFICIAL LAYER: 3rd or 4th above
    A: UNILATERALLY: contralateral rotation
    BILATERAL: trunk extension
    NS: Adjacent posterior primary rami
    O: Transverse processes of T2-T12
    R: Upwards and inwards
    I: Laminae 1-2 levels above insertion
    A: UNILATERALLY: contralateral rotation
    BILATERAL: trunk extension
    NS: Adjacent posterior primary rami
    O: Transverse processes of thoracic vertebra
    R: Upwards and inwards
    I: Laminae 1-2 levels above insertion
    A: UNILATERALLY: contralateral rotation
    BILATERAL: trunk extension
    NS: Adjacent posterior primary rami
  • LONGUS COLLI - Thin strap like muscle running vertically on the anterior aspect of the cervical spine (behind trachea)
    O/I: UPPER SECTION: Transverse processes below TO anterior tubercle of Atlas
    MIDDLE SECTION: Vertebral bodies below TO Vertebral bodies above
    LOWER SECTION: Vertebral bodies below TO Transverse processes above
    A: BILATERAL ACTION: Neck flexion
    NS: Ventral rami (C3-C6)
  • LONGUS CAPITIS - Thin strap like muscle running vertically on ant. Aspect of cervical spine (behind trachea)
    O: Anterior tubercles of transverse processes C3-C6
    R: Upwards and medially
    I: Anterolateral occipital bone
    A: BILATERAL ACTION: Neck flexion
    NS: Ventral rami (C1-C3)(4))
    O: Transverse processes of cervical spine
    R: Downwards and laterally
    I: 1st rib
    A: Respiration
    BILATERAL ACTION: Neck flexion
    UNILATERAL ACTION: Ipsilateral lateral flexion
    NS: Ventral rami cervical spine (C3-C8)
    O: Transverse processes of cervical spine
    R: Downwards and laterally
    I: 1st rib
    A: Respiration
    BILATERAL ACTION: Neck flexion
    UNILATERAL ACTION: Ipsilateral lateral flexion
    NS: Ventral rami cervical spine (C3-C8)
    O: Transverse processes of cervical spine
    R: Downwards and laterally
    I: 2nd rib
    A: Respiration
    UNILATERAL ACTION: Ipsilateral lateral flexion
    NS: Ventral rami cervical spine (C3-C8)
    O: TWO HEADS ->
    STERNAL HEAD: Upper surface of manubrium
    CLAVICULAR HEAD: Upper surface medial 1/3 of clavicle
    R: Upwards
    I: Mastoid process of skull
    A: Respiration
    BILATERAL ACTION: Neck flexion (posterior fibres may also extend head on neck at AO joint)
    UNILATERAL ACTION: Ipsilateral lateral flexion and contralateral rotation
    NS: MOTOR: Spinal part of accessory nerve (cranial nerve 11)
    SENSORY: Ventral rami (C2, 3)
    O/I: From C1 to skull
    A: IPSILATERAL: Rotation
    BILATERAL: Extend head on neck
    NS: Dorsal rami of C1
    O/I: From C2 to skull
    A: IPSILATERAL: Rotation
    BILATERAL: Extend head on neck
    NS: Dorsal rami of C1
    O/I: From transverse process of C1 to skull
    A: IPSILATERAL: Rotation
    BILATERAL: Extend head on neck
    NS: Dorsal rami of C1
    O/I: From spinous process of C2 to transverse process of C1
    A: IPSILATERAL: Rotation
    BILATERAL: Extend head on neck
    NS: Dorsal rami of C1
    O: Spinous processes of T3-T6
    R: Upwards
    I: Transverse processes of C1-C4
    A: BILATERAL ACTION: Neck extension
    UNILATERAL ACTION: Ipsilateral flexion and rotation
    NS: Dorsal rami C5, C6, C7
    O: · Spinous processes (T4-C7) and Lower half of ligamentum nuchae
    R: Upwards
    I: Mastoid process and Lateral 1/3 superior nuchal line
    A: BILATERAL ACTION: Neck extension
    UNILATERAL ACTION: Ipsilateral flexion and rotation
    NS: Dorsal rami C3, C4, C5
    O: Via fleshy digitations to the outer surfaces of the upper 8/9 ribs and the intercostal fascia
    R: Backwards
    I: Costal surface of the medial border of the scapula
    A: Protraction and lateral rotation of scapula
    NS: Long thoracic nerve (C5, 6, 7)
  • PECTORALIS MINOR - Thin, flat triangular muscle, lying deep to the pectoralis major
    O: Outer borders of costal cartilage of ribs 3-5 and intervening intercostal fascia
    R: Superolateral from inferior attachments to the upper attachments
    I: Upper surface and medial border of the coracoid process via a short, flat tendon
    A: Medial rotation and depression of the scapula
    NS: Medial pectoral nerve C8, T1
  • SUBCLAVIUS - Small, triangular muscle, lying between the clavicle and the 1st rib
    O: From a short, thick tendon from the first rib and its cartilage, in front of the costoclavicular ligament
    R: Obliquely upwards and laterally
    I: Subclavian groove on the under surface of the clavicle
    A: Depression of clavicle
    NS: Nerve to subclavius C(4), 5, 6
  • PECTORALIS MAJOR -> two heads
    O: Smaller head arising from the medial ½ of the anterior surface of the clavicle
    R: Downwards and laterally
    I: Via a flat tendon to the lateral lip of the intertubercular groove (covering long head of biceps tendon) also
    forms the anterior lamina (layer) which runs to the lower part of the groove
    A: Flexes the GHJ to 90 degrees, horizontally flexes, adducts, and medially rotates
    NS: Medial C8 T1
    Lateral C5, 6, 7) pectoral nerves

    O: Larger head arising from the manubrium and body of sternum, the adjacent parts of the upper 6 costal cartilages and the aponeurosis of the external oblique
    R: Horizontally and superolateral
    I: Via a flat tendon to the lateral lip of the intertubercular groove (covering the long head of biceps tendon)
    also forms the posterior lamina (layer) which passes upwards and behind the anterior lamina to the upper part of the groove
    A: Extends the flexed arm, especially against resistance to the anatomical position, adducts and medially rotates
    NS: · Medial C8 T1
    Lateral C5, 6, 7) pectoral
  • TRAPEZIUS - Large flat triangular sheet of muscle and most superficial of the back muscles. Split into 3 sections UPPER, MIDDLE AND LOWER
    COMMON ORIGIN: Extensive medial attachment from the base of the medial 1/3 of the superior nuchal line and the occipital bone, Ligamentum nuchae, Spinous processes of C7 to T12 and the intervening supraspinous ligament

    R: Downwards and laterally
    I: Posterior border of the lateral 1/3 of the clavicle
    A: Elevation, retraction, and lateral rotation of the scapula
    NS: · MOTOR: Spinal part of cranial nerve XI (accessory nerve)
    SENSORY: Ventral rami C3, C4

    R: Almost horizontally
    I: Medial border of the acromion and Upper border of the crest of the scapula spine
    A: Retraction of scapula
    NS: MOTOR: Spinal part of cranial nerve XI (accessory nerve)
    SENSORY: Ventral rami C3, C4

    R: Upwards and laterally
    I: Converges to form a tendon that attaches to the inferior surface of medial end of the spine of the scapula
    A: Depression, retraction, and lateral rotation of scapula
    NS: MOTOR: Spinal part of cranial nerve XI (accessory nerve)
    SENSORY: Ventral rami C3, C4
  • RHOMBOID MAJOR - lies deep to trapezius. Larger muscle than rhomboid minor but may be continuous with it

    O: Spinous processes of T2 to T5 and the intervening supraspinous ligament
    R: Obliquely downwards and laterally
    I: Medial border of scapula between the spine of scapula and the inferior angle
    A: Scapular retraction and medial rotation
    NS: Dorsal scapular nerve C5
  • RHOMBOID MINOR - Small, rectangular muscle, situated in deep layer over the posterior thoracic cage, deep to trapezius and inferior to levator scapulae

    O: From the spinous processes of C7 and T1 and the supraspinous ligament between them
    R: Obliquely downwards and laterally
    I: Medial border of the scapula at the level of the root of the spine of scapula (smooth triangular area)
    A: Scapular retraction and medial rotation
    NS: Dorsal scapular nerve C5
  • LEVATOR SCAPULAE - Strap like muscle, lies superficial to the extensor muscles of the neck

    O: Transverse processes of C1 to C4
    R: Downwards and laterally
    I: Medial border of the scapula between the superior angle and the base of the spine of scapula
    A: Elevation, retraction, and medial rotation of the scapula
    NS: Dorsal scapula nerve C5
  • DELTOID - Coarse, thick, triangular multipennate muscle
    O: Anterior border of the lateral 1/3 of the clavicle
    R: Obliquely down and posteriorly
    I: Deltoid tuberosity on the lateral surface of the humerus via a short thick tendon
    A: Strong flexor and medial rotator of the GHJ
    NS: Axillary nerve C5 C6

    O: Lateral margin of the acromion process via 4 tendinous slips
    R: Downwards
    I: Deltoid tuberosity via a short thick tendon
    A: Abduction (in the line of the scapula and not the anatomical position) beyond the initial 20 degrees
    NS: Axillary nerve
    C5 C6

    O: Lower lip of the spine of scapula
    R: Obliquely downwards and anteriorly
    I: Deltoid tuberosity on the lateral surface of the humerus via a short thick tendon
    A: Strong extensor and lateral rotator of the GHJ
    NS: Axillary nerve
    C5 C6
    O: From a rounded tendon on the apex of the coracoid process on the scapula
    R: Inferiorly and laterally
    I: A roughened area halfway down the medial side of the humeral shaft, opposite the deltoid tuberosity
    A: Adduction of the GHJ. May assist in some flexion but in a small role
    NS: Musculocutaneous nerve C5 6 7
    O: Spinous processes of the lower 6 thoracic vertebrae and all the lumbar and sacral vertebrae (via thoracolumbar fascia), Intervening supraspinous and interspinous ligaments and Outer lip of the posterior part of the iliac crest
    R: Upwards and laterally
    I: En-route, some fibres attach to the outer surfaces of the lower 3 or 4 ribs and the inferior angle of the scapula and the Floor of the intertubercular groove via a thin flattened tendon, anterior to the teres major tendon
    A: Extensor of flexed arm, adductor, and medial rotator of GHJ
    NS: Thoracodorsal nerve C(6), 7, 8
    O: Dorsal surface of the inferior angle of scapular, below teres minor
    R: Upwards, anteriorly, and laterally
    I: Fibres attach via a broad flat tendon to the medial lip of the intertubercular groove of humerus (tendon separated from lat. dorsi tendon by bursa)
    A: Adducts and medial rotates GHJ. May also assist with extension of flexed shoulder
    NS: Lower subscapular nerve C5 6
    O: Medial 2/3 of the supraspinous fossa
    R: Laterally
    I: Tendon forms within the muscle as it passes laterally below the trapezius, the acromion process and the coracoacromial ligament, Tendon blends in with superior aspect of the GH joint capsule
    Inserts into upper facet on the greater tubercle of humerus
    A: Initiates abduction of GHJ
    NS: Suprascapular nerve C(4) 5 6