Social Influence

Subdecks (3)

Cards (55)

  • what are the 3 types of conformity?
    Compliance, identification, and internalization.
  • what is conformity?
    Conformity is the tendency to adjust one's thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors to match those of a larger group or societal norms.
  • what is compliance
    Superficial agreement with the group – going along with it publicly but holding a different view privately
  • what is internalisation
    Conforming to the group because you accept its norms – you agree privately as well as publicly
  • what is identification
    Conforming to the group because we value it – prepared to change views to be part of it
  • list the order of permanence for the types of conformity(high to low)
    1. internalisation
    2. identification
    3. compliance
  • what is social influence?
    a sub-field of psychology that studies how others influence our thoughts and feelings
  • what are the 2 main explanations for conformity?
    • Informational social influence (ISI)
    • Normative social influence (NSI)
  • What is informational social influence?
    it is a cognitive process to conform based on who has better information and is due to people wanting to be right
  • when is ISI most likely to occur and why?
    it is most likely to occur in situations where people are new to one another as they want to be right to give a good impression
  • What is NSI?
    it is an emotional type of conformity based on perceived social norms and is done to gain social approval
  • when is NSI most likey to occur
    in situations with strangers , friends and in stressful situations
  • what are the human needs that NSI and ISIS are based off
    1. the need to be accepted ,
    2. the need to be right
  • what was the first ever study of conformity?
    Jenness " Beans in the bottle " test