The effects that a piece of research could have beyond the study itself
About consequences
What is socially sensitive research (SSR)?
Socially sensitive research has ethicalimplications, and could produce risks for people other than those taking part
E.g. it could harm the participants' socialgroup or society as a whole
What makes research socially sensitive?
Negativeconsequences - results could be used to justify prejudice and discrimination against different social groups and individuals
Politics - Findings could be wrongly used in the influence and creation of new socialpolicies
Lack of validity - results could be invalid and falsely represent a social group
How can research be made less socially sensitive?
Researches could submit research proposals to ethicscommittees who can make recommendations to reduce socialsensitivity
Researches should take care when formulating their aims and framing their questions as to not misrepresent certain groups
Researches need to be alert at the possibility of misuse of findings and take steps to present findings in a neutral way
Researches should take steps to avoid prejudicial and biased sensational media presentation of findings
How did Burt’s research on IQ have negative consequences?
Research established the 11+ in schools, believed intelligence to be genetic but later found his research was made up and he invented two research assistants.
The 11+ was still used for many years afterwards, impacting lives
Evaluation point 1:
Benefits of SSR
Benefitted society for example research into unreliability of eye witness testimony has reduced the risk of falsesentencing within the legal system. Suggests it may play a valuable role
Evaluation point 2:
Drawback of SSR
Bowlby’s study on maternal deprivation had influenced government policy and created prejudice surrounding working mothers even though later research found the role of the father
Evaluation point 3:
Limitation of SSR
May be used for social control, using research to justify eugenics and compulsory sterilisation