The role of the father

    Cards (6)

    • Attachment to fathers:
      • Evidence suggests that fathers are much less likely to become babies' first attachment figure compared to mothers.
      • For example, Schaffer and Emerson (1964) found that the majority of babies first became attached to their mother at around 7 months. In only 3% of cases the father was the first sole object of attachment. In 27% of cases the father was the joint first object of attachment with the mother.
      • However, it appears that most fathers go on to become important attachment figures. 75% of the babies formed an attachment with their father by the age of 18 months.
    • Grossmann (2002) carried out a longitudinal study- babies' attachments were studied until they were into their teens.
      • The researchers looked at both parents behaviour and its relationship and quality of their baby's later attachments to other people.
      • Quality of a baby's attachment with mothers but not fathers was related to attachments in adolescence.
      • suggests that attachment to fathers is less impontant than attachment to mothers.
      • Grossmann- fathers have a different role from mothers - one that is more to do with play and stimulation, and less to do with emotional development.
    • Limitation: confusion over research questions
      • Lack of clarity over the question being asked.
      • Some researchers look into father's as secondary figures, while others as primary figures.
      • The former tend to see fathers as behaving differently to mothers and having a distinct role.
      • The latter found fathers can take ok a 'maternal' role.
      • This makes it difficult to offer a simple answer as to the 'role of the father'.
    • Limitation: conflicting evidence
      • Findings vary according to the methodology used.
      • Longitudinal studies (Grossmann) have suggested fathers as secondary figures- play and stimulation.
      • However, if fathers have a distinctive and important role- would expect single mothers or lesbian parent families would turn out in some way different from those with heterosexual parents.
      • McCallum and Golombok say otherwise.
      • Means question as the whether fathers have a distinctive role unremains unanswered.
    • Counterpoint to conflicting evidence:
      • Could be that father typically take on distinctive roles in two-parent heterosexual families.
      • But that parents in single mothers and lesbian-parent families simply adapt to accommodate the role played by fathers.
      • Means that question on a distinctive role f fathers is clear after all.
      • When present, fathers tend to adopt to a distinctive role, but families can adapt to not having a father.
    • Strength: Real-world application
      • Can be used to offer advice to parents.
      • Sometimes agonise over who should be primary caregiver- mother's feel pressured to stay at home and fathers feel pressured to work.
      • Research into role of father helps to offer reassurance to parents.
      • Means that parental anxiety about role of fathers can be reduced.