research planning

Cards (9)

  • aim
    a result that your plans or actions are intended to achieve
  • hypothesis
    an accurate and testable statement predicting the outcome of the research, what the researcher thinks the results will be (a guess)
  • procedure
    steps taken in order to carry out research. the method the researcher took.
  • findings
    information discovered as a result of the investigation
  • conclusion
    the implications drawn from a study; what the findings tell us about people in general, rather than the particular participants of the study
  • ethical issues
    refers to the correct rules of behaviours which is necessary when carrying out research. researchers have a moral responsibility to protect participants from harm, not deceive them and gain consent.
  • validity
    the extent to which a researcher is measuring or testing what they set out to measure
  • ecological validity

    how far you can generalise or apple the findings of the study beyond a particular setting (typically a lab) in which they were collected
  • demand characteristics
    cues in an experiment which can lead to participants guessing the aim of the study, and therefore altering participants behaviour in the study and the results would be incorrect.