timeline of psychology

Cards (9)

  • C17th-19th:
    psychology is seen as philosophy - experimental philosophy.
  • 1879:
    Wundt (father of psychology) opened the first psychology lab in Germany. He introduced the idea of introspection and structuralism.
  • 1900s:
    Freud developed the psychodynamic approach, he put an emphasis on the role of the unconscious mind in behaviour.
  • 1913:
    Watson & Skinner established the behaviourist approach
  • 1950s:
    Rogers & Maslow established the humanistic approach
  • 1960s (1):
    Development of the cognitive approach. Computers were used as a metaphor for the human mind.
  • 1960s (2):
    Bandura established social learning theory. A focus on cognitive factors in learning - bridges the behaviourist and cognitive approaches.
  • 1980s:
    The biological approach was established/became popular. Understanding of the brain and physiological processes increased because of increased technology.
  • C21st:
    cognitive neuroscience was formed. The cognitive and biological approaches were combined.