-support for ZPD: Razzi & Bryant (1998). 4-5y/os had to estimating the number of sweets in a box. One group = no support; one group = support of older child e.g., prompts. Group with support were more successful than the group without support. Validates ZPD & theory. D: individual differences.
-application to education: more group work & interactions, scaffold children. More TAs. Keer & Verhaeghe (2005): 7y/o tutored by 10y/o & standard classes did better than those with just standard classes. Alborz et al (2009) TAs increase learning rate (scaffolding). D: economic implications of TAs. D: Liu & Matthews (2005) - classes of 50 children in China learn effectively with lecture-style and little help. Invalidates. D: cultural bias so little generalisation of theory. Only applies to western education.
-only looks at nurture, not nature which could also influence cognitive development. Reductionist.