This is when an individual has a less common characteristic,statistically rare.
What is an example of statistical infrequency?
a example is IQ levels,being more or less depressed.
What is an A03 strength of statistical infrequency.
A strength is that it has real life applications in the diagnosis.That makes it easier to identify abnormal or normal behaviours.It is a useful part of clinical assessment.
A03 weakness for this definition.
Just because very few people display certain characteristics does not make the behaviour statistically abnormal.
What is deviation from social norms?
Behavior that goes against the accepted standards or expectations of a society.
What is an example of deviation from social norms.
Cultural differences in the way that we eat.
A03 strengths for deviation from social norms.
It is useful in separating abnormal and normal in the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder.
A03 weakness for deviation from social norms
Social norms vary from one generation to another.
what is failure to function adequately?
the inability to cope with ordinary day to day living.
What is an example of failure to function adequately?
not maintaining hygiene,work and jobs.
A03 strengths for failure to function adequately
It acknowledges the experience of the patient and identifies help.Its a useful criterion for assessing abnormality.
A03 weakness for ftf
It can be difficult to separate deviation from social norms
What is deviation from ideal mental health?
WE are in good mental health if we meet a specific criteria.
What is the jahoda criteria (1958)
No symptoms or distress
percieve ourselves accurately
we can self actualise
we can cope with stress
we have good self esteem
we are independent of other people
we can successfully work,love and enjoy our leisures.
A03 strength of deviation of ideal mental health.
covers a range of criteria for mental health,its very broad and shows reason for people’s misery
A03 weakness for deviation from ideal mental health.
very few of us attain all jahodas criteria for mental health,and probably none of us achieve all of them at the same time or keep them up for long.