Who conducted the famous attachment study in the 1970s?
Mary Ainsworth
What was one of the aims of Ainsworth's attachment study?
To classify different types of attachment
What age group did Ainsworth's study focus on?
12-18 month old infants
What did Ainsworth's study focus on?
Infant-caregiver relationships
How many episodes were included in the Strange Situation procedure?
Eight episodes
How was Ainsworth's study designed to observe infant behavior?
In a controlled setting
What is the name of the procedure developed by Ainsworth to observe attachment behaviors?
The "Strange Situation" procedure
What type of attachment is characterized by infants using the parent as a secure base for exploration?
Secure Attachment (Type B)
What key behaviors were observed during the Strange Situation procedure?
Exploration of the room, reactions to the stranger, reaction to parent's departure, and behavior upon parent's return
How do infants with Anxious-Ambivalent/Resistant Attachment typically behave upon reunion with their parent?
They seek contact but resist comfort
What behavior is typical of infants with Anxious-Avoidant Attachment?
They appear independent and show little distress when the parent leaves
What is one criticism of Ainsworth's Strange Situation study related to cultural bias?
The study was initially conducted in Western cultures, which may not reflect attachment behaviors in other cultures
What did Ainsworth's study reveal about maternal sensitivity?
Securely attached infants tended to have mothers who were more responsive and sensitive to their needs
What is a limitation of the Strange Situation regarding the focus on caregivers?
The study primarily looked at mother-infant relationships and did not adequately consider other caregivers
Which episode in the Strange Situation procedure involves the parent leaving the infant alone?
Episode 6
What was one of the implications of Ainsworth's findings regarding attachment patterns?
Attachment patterns in infancy predict various aspects of later development
Why is the laboratory setting considered a limitation of the Strange Situation study?
It may not reflect real-world attachment behaviors and could be too stressful for infants
What type of attachment was added later by other researchers?
Disorganized/Disoriented Attachment (Type D)
What ethical concern is raised about the Strange Situation procedure?
It may cause unnecessary distress to infants
What are the key findings and implications of Ainsworth's Strange Situation study?
- Approximately 65% of infants were securely attached
- About 20% were anxious-avoidant
- Around 15% were anxious-ambivalent
- Securely attached infants had more responsive mothers
- Attachment patterns predict later development
- Cultural variations exist in attachment types
- Parents' attachment experiences influence their children's styles
- Improving caregiver sensitivity can promote secure attachment
What is one reliability issue associated with the classification of attachment types in Ainsworth's study?
Classification can be subjective and inter-rater reliability has been questioned
Who conducted the famous attachment study in the 1970s?
Mary Ainsworth
What was the primary purpose of Ainsworth's attachment study?
To expand on John Bowlby's attachment theory and observe how infants respond to brief separations from their primary caregiver
What is the name of Stage 1 in attachment development?
Asocial Stage
During which period does the Asocial Stage occur in a baby's life?
In the first few weeks
What preference do babies show during the Asocial Stage?
A general preference for human presence
What are the key characteristics of the Asocial Stage?
Babies respond similarly to humans and non-human objects
General preference for human presence
Beginning of bond formation with certain individuals
What is the name of Stage 2 in attachment development?
Indiscriminate Attachments
What age range does the Indiscriminate Attachments stage cover?
From approximately 2 to 7 months
What type of behavior becomes more observable during the Indiscriminate Attachments stage?
More observable social behavior
What do babies show a preference for during the Indiscriminate Attachments stage?
People over inanimate objects
What do babies begin to recognize during the Indiscriminate Attachments stage?
Familiar adults
How do babies respond to comfort during the Indiscriminate Attachments stage?
They accept comfort from any adult
What type of anxiety is not present during the Indiscriminate Attachments stage?
No separation anxiety or stranger anxiety
What are the key characteristics of the Indiscriminate Attachments stage?
More observable social behavior
Preference for people over inanimate objects
Recognition and preference for familiar adults
Acceptance of comfort from any adult
No separation anxiety or stranger anxiety
Indiscriminate attachment behavior
What is the name of Stage 3 in attachment development?
Specific Attachments
At what age does the Specific Attachments stage typically begin?
Around 7 months
What type of anxiety do babies start to display during the Specific Attachments stage?
Stranger anxiety
What type of anxiety do babies experience when separated from a particular adult during the Specific Attachments stage?
Separation anxiety
Who do babies typically form a specific attachment to during the Specific Attachments stage?