Lesson 5 - Good Citizenship Values

Cards (9)

  • Developing Good Citizenship - Every right has a corresponding responsibility
  • Right for citizenship – It provides man the necessary protection of the state, identity, education, job opportunities, securities and all other rights provided by existing laws.
  • Citizenship - a term denoting membership of a citizen in a political society, which membership implies, reciprocally, a duty of allegiance on the part member and duty of protection on the part of the State
  • Citizen – (1) a person having the title of citizenship, (2) a member of a democratic community who enjoys a full civil and political rights and its accorded protection inside and outside the territory of the
  • Article IV, Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution identifies the following as citizens of the Philippines:
    • Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of said Constitution;
    • Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines;
    • Those who are naturalized in accordance with law
  • Loyalty - must be inspired by the respect and faith in the cause to which we subscribe, should not be servility or fanaticism, is based on love of country, respect for superiors, belief in the cause and principle, reverence for national symbols and loyalty to one’s world of honor
  • Acquiring Citizenship – there are two principles of citizenship in the world:
    “jus solis” (by blood)
    “jus sanguinis” (by birth)
  • A baby who was born within the air space or within 12 nautical miles from the boarder of the United States will automatically have US citizenship regardless of the parent’s nationality
  • Commonwealth Act No. 473 provides the qualifications and processes for acquiring Filipino citizenship