part 2

Cards (16)

  • A gilal cell hold neurons in place
  • A reflex arc is a neural pathway that controls a body's automatic response to a stimulus
  • All-Or-Nothing principle: a neuron can only fire fully or not at all there is no in between
  • Depolarization: The process of the neurons becoming more positive, causing the sodium channels to open and the potassium channels to close
  • repolarization: positive ions go out and negative ions come back
  • the refractory period is the time between the neuron firing when it cannot fire
  • resting potential: the neurons are always ready to fire
  • Sensory (afferent)neurons: carry information into the brain and spianl cord
  • Motor (efferent) neurons: carry information away from the brain
  • interneurons connect the motor and sensory neurons
  • neurotransmitters: chemical messengers
  • Myasthenia Gravis: the body makes antibodies that block or destroy muscle receptor sites for acetylcholine which causes muscle weakness
  • multiple sclerosis: a disease of the central nervous system that causes the myelin sheath to break down
  • agonists mimic neurotransmitters
  • antagonists block neurotransmitters
  • reuptake: the reabsorption of neurotransmitters back into the presynaptic terminal