Cards (7)

  • What is the abstract?
    One paragraph summary of the entire paper, and includes aims methods findings and conclusions
  • What is the introduction ?

    Summarises current thinking on a topic, and outlines aims and hypotheses and shows the importance of and relevance of the study
  • What is the method?
    Must be sufficiently detailed and specific so another researcher can replicate it exactly.
  • What is included in the method?
    • participants and how they were recruited
    • procedure
    • materials
    • research methods
    • experimental design
  • What is the results?
    Gives the findings of the study, including any statistical tests and graphs. Tables of raw data may also be included.
  • What is the discussion?
    Summarises and interprets the findings and refers back to the introduction, placing the findings in the context of previous research and discussing possible implications.
  • What are the references?

    Gives credit to other authors and allows reader to fact check information by using the original source.