
    Cards (33)

    • What is a pilot study?
      A small-scale version of the main research study conducted before the main study.
    • What is the purpose of conducting a pilot study?
      To improve the quality of the main research study by assessing the experience of the participants.
    • What can a pilot study reveal about extraneous variables?
      It can reveal unexpected extraneous variables that need to be controlled.
    • How might pilot studies help identify issues with instructions or tasks?
      Participants may find instructions, tasks, or interview/questionnaire questions confusing.
    • What are demand characteristics in the context of pilot studies?

      When participants discover the aim of the study and act accordingly.
    • What might a researcher discover about the study's setup during a pilot study?
      The study may be time-consuming in its current setup and may need alterations.
    • What issue might arise regarding behavioral categories in an observation during a pilot study?
      It may be clear that the behavioral categories are not fully operationalized.
    • What is the peer review process in research?
      Researchers need to show their written study to other experts in their field before publication.
    • What can be identified during the peer review process that may affect the study's validity?
      Unaccounted for variables that have confounded the results may be identified.
    • What might a study lack if unaccounted variables are identified during peer review?
      The study may lack internal validity and will need to be repeated.
    • What are the aims and benefits of conducting pilot studies?
      • Improve the quality of the main research study
      • Assess participant experience
      • Identify unexpected extraneous variables
      • Clarify confusing instructions or tasks
      • Adjust time-consuming procedures
      • Ensure behavioral categories are operationalized
    • What are the key steps in the peer review process?
      1. Researcher submits written study to experts
      2. Experts review the study for validity and reliability
      3. Unaccounted variables may be identified
      4. Study may need to be repeated if internal validity is lacking
    • Why is it important to consider who participated in a study?
      To determine if the findings can be generalized to the larger population
    • What are the five sampling techniques discussed in the video?
      • Random sampling
      • Systematic sampling
      • Stratified sampling
      • Opportunity sampling
      • Volunteer sampling
    • What is the definition of target population in research?

      Every individual that forms part of the group you plan to study
    • What is the goal of generalization in research?

      To apply the results from a sample back to the target population
    • What is random sampling?
      A method where every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
    • What is a strength of random sampling?
      It avoids researcher bias in selecting participants
    • What is a potential weakness of random sampling?
      It may result in an unrepresentative sample
    • How does systematic sampling work?
      By selecting every Nth person from a list of the population
    • What is a strength of systematic sampling?

      It can be a quick way of obtaining a sample with a small population
    • What is an opportunity sample?

      A sample obtained by including anyone the researcher can easily access
    • What is a major weakness of opportunity sampling?
      It can lead to researcher bias and an unrepresentative sample
    • What is a volunteer sample?
      A self-selecting sample where participants choose to take part
    • What is a strength of using a volunteer sample?
      It can reach a large number of potential participants easily
    • What is a potential issue with volunteer sampling?
      It may lead to volunteer bias, as certain types of people are more likely to volunteer
    • What is stratified sampling?

      A method that creates a sample representative of the population by identifying subgroups
    • What is a major advantage of stratified sampling?
      It ensures the sample is representative of the larger population
    • What is a potential drawback of stratified sampling?
      It can be time-consuming and difficult to implement
    • What does WEIRD stand for in the context of psychology studies?
      Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic
    • What is a criticism of psychology studies regarding participant demographics?
      Many studies are conducted on WEIRD participants, which may limit generalization
    • What is a gender bias in historical psychology studies?
      Women have often been ignored or underrepresented in studies
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the five sampling techniques discussed?
      • Random: Avoids researcher bias
      • Systematic: Quick with small populations
      • Opportunity: Fast and easy to obtain
      • Volunteer: Reaches many potential participants
      • Stratified: Representative of the population

      • Random: May be unrepresentative
      • Systematic: Possible unrepresentative sample
      • Opportunity: Researcher bias and limited access
      • Volunteer: Volunteer bias
      • Stratified: Time-consuming and complex