Bowbly's theory of maternal deprivation

    Cards (10)

    • "Mother-love in infancy and childhood is as important for mental health as are vitamins and proteins for the physical health."
    • Separation vs deprivation:
      • S- child not in presence of primary caregiver- only becomes a problem if child becomes deprived of emotional care.
      • Extended separation can lead to deprivation- can cause harm
    • Critical period:
      • First 2 and 1/2 years
      • If deprived if emotional care in this time then psychological damage was inevitable.
      • Continuous risk up to 5.
    • Effects on development:
      • Intellectual- would experience delayed intellectual development characterised by lower IQ.
      • Goldfarb- found lower IQ in children who d remained in institutions as opposed to those who were fostered and thus had a higher standard of emotional care.
      • Emotional- Bowbly identified affectionless psychopathy as the inability to experience guilt or strong emotion towards others
      • Lack remorse for their actions
    • Bowbly's 44 thieves:
      • Procedure- 44 criminal teenagers accused of stealing.
      • All thieves interviewed for signs of affectionless psychopathy: lack of affection, guilt and empathy.
      • Families also interviewed to establish a prolonged early experience.
      • Sample compared to a control group of 44 non-criminal but emotionally disturbed young people.
    • Bowbly's 44 thieves:
      • Findings- 14 of 44 could be affectionless psychopathy and 12 of these had experienced prolonged separation from their mother's in first 2 years.
      • Concluded that prolonged early separation/deprivation caused affectionless psychopathy
    • Limitation: Flawed evidence
      • Poor quality of evidence it is based on
      • 44 thieves flawed as it was Bowlb himself who carried out both family interviews and assessments from affectionless psychopathy.
      • Left him open to bias as he knew in advance which teenagers he expected to show signed of psychopathy
      • Means Bowbly's original sources of evidence for maternal deprivation had serious flaws and wouldn't be taken seriously as evidence nowadays.
    • Counterpoint to flawed evidence:
      • New line of research provided some modest support for idea that maternal deprivation can have long-term effects.
      • Lévy- showed that separating baby rats from their mother for as little as a day had a permanent effect on their social development
      • Means that although Bowbly relied on flawed evidence to support his theory, there are other sources of evidence for his idea
    • Limitation: deprivation and privation
      • His confusion between different types of early experience.
      • Rutter- privation is failure to form any attachment in first place- pointed out that the severe long term damage Bowbly associated with deprivation is actually more likely to be the result of privation
      • Means Bowbly may have overestimated the seriousness of the effects of deprivation in children's development
    • Limitation: critical vs sensitive periods
      • Bowbly's idea of a critical period
      • For Bowbly- damage ws inevitable if a child had not formed attachment in first 2 and 1/2 years
      • But- Koluchová- Czech twins
      • Twins experienced very severe physical and emotional abuse from the age of 18 months up until 7
      • But they received excellent care and by their teens they had fully recovered.
      • Means that lasting harm is not inevitable even in cases of severe privation. The 'critical period' therefore seen as a 'sensitive period'.